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Corel Painter Essentials 7 [WINDOWS/MAC]


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Corel Painter Essentials is custom designed to inspire you to freely create blank canvas and photo art creations using Natural-Media brushes. As an intuitive paint program, Essentials offers a welcoming environment that will encourage you to have fun while using powerful and realistic art tools to reach your goals. Turn a photo into an amazing oil, pastel or impressionist work of art, or use pencils, pens or particles to paint, draw and sketch on a blank canvas. The best part? Connect with a solid social community of fellow painters who are passionate about painting and providing feedback. There’s an artist in all of us.




1. Go to: https://www.falkemedia-download.de/webdv09-2021/ and Click on the field “JETZT GRATIS LADEN” (this will scroll down the giveaway page to the next step)


2. Enter an e-mail address. (Remember, you don't need to use your personal email, you can use a temporary e-mail service like https://10minutemail.com/ )
3. Check the 2 boxes and press the green button “JETZT GRATIS HERUNTERLADEN”


4. Confirm your address in the received email!, by clicking on "Jetzt aktivieren und "DigitalPHOTO WebDVD 09-2021" herunterladen!"    


5. A new page will open showing you the serial number for Corel Painter 7 Essentials and a link to the downloads (You will also receive an email with the serial number and download link)


6. On the download page scroll down until you see "VOLLVERSION: Corel Painter Essentials 7" and at the bottom of the description choose your appropriate download (Win or Mac). This is the final step and the download will begin.


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