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[Expired] [PC-Epic Games] 2 Free Games - Obduction & Offworld Trading Company


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1 - Obduction




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From Cyan, the indie studio that brought you Myst, comes a new sci-fi adventure.
As you walk beside the lake on a cloudy night, a curious, organic artifact falls from the starry sky and inexplicably, without asking permission, transports you across the universe.
The strange worlds of Obduction reveal their secrets only as you explore, discover, coax, and consider their clues. As you bask in the otherworldly beauty and explore the enigmatic landscapes, remember that the choices you make will have substantial consequences. This is your story now.
Sale ends 22/7/2021
Giveaway link :

2 - Offworld Trading Company




Steam link for info :
Mars has been colonized. Now, Earth's greatest corporate titans have been invited to build companies to support it. The competition to dominate the market is fierce in this fast-paced economic RTS from Civilization IV lead Designer, Soren Johnson.
Venture to Mars to Earn Your Fortune
With space travel becoming a reality and the easy-to-reach resources on Earth dwindling, hopeful people seeking their fortune are rushing to the next great frontier: Mars.
Discover the Origin of the Major Martian Businesses
Determine the fate of the Martian colonization effort in the dynamic single-player campaign mode. Multiple types of CEOs deliver many hours of discovery into their motivations and how they intend to dominate the future of Mars.
Sale ends 22/7/2021


Giveaway link :



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