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[SOLVED] Forgotten password ok my laptop locked with ChrisPC-Lock ?


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All is in title !!


I have to re-use my old laptop (after 2 years) but I can't really do this ... because I installed ChrisPC-Lock which block it after launch.

I could not find any usefull info on Internet search engines.

I could not find where this password is stored.

I looked in the Registry, in AppData, in Program Files (32 and 64) and in ProgramData but could not find anything concerning this software.

Of course I tried to apply all the passwords I remember but none works.


So I need your help !!

Thanks in advance

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It may be quickest to boot with a USB bootable utility like Active@ Boot Disk Suite, Sergei Srelec or similar. Copy off the laptop everything you need to recover (docs, music, movies, photos etc) and then reinstall Windows.

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1 hour ago, wolfie said:

It may be quickest to boot with a USB bootable utility like Active@ Boot Disk Suite, Sergei Srelec or similar. Copy off the laptop everything you need to recover (docs, music, movies, photos etc) and then reinstall Windows.

That's what I thought, but yet I have no time to do this way.

Thanks for your idea

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54 minutes ago, dee.pee said:

That's what I thought, but yet I have no time to do this way.

Thanks for your idea

Sadly, I don't think you have any alternative unless you can remember your password.

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You may search for hidden files or even hidden partitions

but if the password itself is also encrypted then the original

is lost fore ever.


Maybe you can get some advice from the developer about an

escape route. Can you de-install the software from the laptop?

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Hi @dee.pee!


I was able to reverse engineer this software and it is very easy to reset the password. Indeed, it is stored in the "LogWord" registry value in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Chris PC-Lock" key in encrypted form (although the encryption algorithm is very weak from my point of view); you just need to delete this value to remove this password (yes, you read that right... 😆).


First of all, you need to restart your computer in Safe Mode by immediately pressing the "F8" key at the Windows startup. Then, you can choose one of the three available options (preferably the "Safe Mode with Networking" option to be able to access the Internet).

As soon as you can access your desktop, simply run this Batch script to remove the password of Chris PC-Lock and uninstall the software: https://www.upload.ee/files/13253221/Script.cmd.html


Feel free to send me a PM if you need additional help. :)

I hope this helps you. ;)


Best regards

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@wolfie @Dwa Piva and @Tux 528


Thanks for your fast responses 😉


And specially Tux528 ... you're fabulous bro :clap:

I had a check on the Registry before asking for help and I saw this entry, tried to read it but unsuccessfully.

And I was not decided to delete it before asking some help.

Following your procedure, now it's done and I can access again to my old laptop.


Dwa Piva : Not easy to ask the developper as this soft is cracked and I'm not recorded in his database ....

And also on the help file it's written : "Notice that there is no way to bypass the lock mode unless the correct password is introduced".


wolfie : I know it was THE solution (not the only one !!), and I know I have to retinstall this laptop completely, but no time by now.

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Great! I'm glad that you have solved your problem. :)

Have a nice day! :hi:

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