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[Expired] Vole Word Reviewer Professional Edition v5.37.21053


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Vole Word Reviewer Professional EditionDiscount


Add Notes to Word Docs Without Changing Them

Have you ever opened up a Word document, only to be hit in the face with someone else’s changes, markups, and annotations? So intrusive! And the damage they can do to the file’s original formatting can create hours of unnecessary cleanup! Time to spread the word about today’s discount software promotion, Vole Word Reviewer Professional Edition!

Vole Word Reviewer Professional Edition lets you add text and media notes to any Microsoft Office Word document without changing the file. With Vole Word Reviewer Professional Edition, you don’t have to resort to printing out and marking up a hardcopy version of a Word document, nor do you have to risk messing up pagination or formatting by making changes to the file. In fact, Vole Word Reviewer Professional Edition goes beyond these two clunky annotation methods to bring you the next generation of Word doc markup – one that includes text, images, audio, and video in your arsenal of tools!

When you view a marked up document in Vole Word Reviewer Professional Edition, you’re presented with the original document accompanied by all of the notes in a parallel window. With an intuitive interface, docked windows, six display styles, and a timer assistant, Vole Word Reviewer Professional Edition needs to become part of your productive workflow today!

After you purchase Vole Word Reviewer Professional Edition, it may be used for 6 months.

Today's promotion includes the following:
Vole Word Reviewer Ultimate Edition AUTD 6-Month v5.37.21053 ($0)
v5.37.21053 for PC 
Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 10 (32-bit & 64-bit) with .NET 4.5.2
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