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[Expired] [IndieGala ] Get full free game - Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943


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Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 covers the events of 1943 in Tunisia, North Africa. Recovering from their losses after the crushing defeat and subsequent retreat after the Second Battle of El-Alamein, the German Afrika Korps - reinforced and now supported by the Italian Army - prepare once more to put steel against steel with the Allies. The Axis forces, under the command of the legendary General Erwin Rommel, have an all too brief opportunity to seize victory from the clutches of their earlier failures. Players will lead Rommel’s Afrika Korps in their last full-scale military campaign and command the English and American armies as they try to push the Axis forces out of Africa once and for all.


House to house urban combat

Animated hand-to-hand fighting

Anti-air vehicles and stationary anti-aircraft mounts to control

Smoke screens

Different types of trenches, sand bags, road blocks and barbed wire emplacements are now available (to defending units only) and can be placed by the player before the battle starts

Advanced unit formations control

Improved soldier A.I. (e.g. soldiers will independently search for cover and share heavy weapons ammo)

Improved complex infantry damage system

New advanced visual spotting system accounts for observation angles and smoke screens

Online Game Server Browser

Improved visuals and sound, with new soldier and vehicle models, new sounds and music, and all new explosion effects and animations.

15 missions in three campaigns – German, American and British - including famous battles such as Kasserine Pass, Sidi Bou Zid, Sbeitla and Tebessa.

Mission Editor to create your own scenarios

Interactive Tactical Battle Map

Over 50 different vehicle types
Over 30 new unique buildings




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