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Windows updates are evil. Renders computer unbootable


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So, what can i say, im prone to computer problems.

I added ram to one of the comptuers, and turned it on, went to the my computer settings to make sure the ram was there, and it was, in fact, there. I then proceeded to shut down the computer, with updates available, so i went ahead and updated it, and at this point, it froze. I waited a while, with no change.

So i decided to power it off manually, and whaddya know, the computer wont turn on. There is no signal going to the monitor, and all i did was update. I tried resetting the cmos, nothing.

Any ideas guys? i'm really lost.

Computer is a windows xp btw.

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when u make an ugrade to your RAM

Make sure you , do alot of restarts for some reason

To see how it handles the job (compatible)

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read all of the options/info u get @ BIOS

make sure boot device priorities are set correctly

Believe it is XP- so try googling and do XP repair with CD

Most likely hardware detection is not configured properly or RAM is incompatible

u might want to as previously mentioned remove added ram; also remove other ie too many USB plugged in devices; reset BIOS and restart again

u could also have some malware?


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Does the computer even powerup? Do you hear any beeps?

Mostly the new RAM is causing the problem.

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the RAM may be not compatible with the mother or the installed one. or there may be a problem in the BIOS.

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I have removed both rams in order to bring the computer back up. i have switched the slots, everything. The monitor still reads no signal. I cannot change the bios settings, as there is NOTHING coming up on the screen.

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Does the computer even powerup? Do you hear any beeps?

Mostly the new RAM is causing the problem.

The computer does power on as usual, the fans start spinning, but, nothing coming up on the screen.

I have taken out both rams, unplugged the power and held the power button (forgot what its called) and still, the monitor isn't being read

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remove the new ram and try. The mother may have problem

The only concern i have, is the mother board going down. How much are replacements, it is a pretty sh*tty computer

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The power stays on even after few mins?

Motherboard would be a cause of the problem. No need to replace it, you'll need to repair it. ;)

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Okay guys, so heres what happened. Last night, or in my case, early morning, i turned off the power, took out all the cd drives floppies and what not and removed all the ram and left the computer sitting there, with no power for a day. This morning, i got up and vacuumed it, plugged in back in, in a last ditch effort, and the computer turns on just fine.

I doubt the vacuum tipped the balances in my favor, but now im totally stumped.


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Glad you're back in action. :D

Thanks, but its super trippy.


The cmos no longer reads the cpu, and it wont find it in any way. HELP!


Edit: Restored bios to factory, and all is well.

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:blink: :trippy: it is :lol:

I believe you had error/contact issues probably regarding graphic card or even power supply to mobo

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  • Administrator

Glad your problem is solved. :)

Normally when same problems occurs with me, I replug the PC and it starts working, sometimes if it's not solved then I clean it. :)

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Cleaning all contacts is good....

Let your new RAM runs for a few days to ensure there is no problem.

Then do your Windows update.


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poor windows update .... always takes the blame when a pc goes shitty :lol:

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Someone has to take the blame... you can blame shought as well 2lbz2xg.png

poor shought :frusty: blame windows update then :lol:

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Nah, you can blame me.

Just know, I always hit back (a lot harder :D) :P

I once had a similar issue (didn't notice this thread, sorry :() and I just unplugged everything and plugged it back in, did the job.

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