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[Expired] [UPDATED] 5 Paid SUDOKU Apps Free For a Limited Time [ANDROID]


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1.) Sudoku Ultimate (No Ads) [ E X P I R E D ]


- Four difficulty levels - Beginner, Student, Master, Expert
- Three input modes - Number pad,Single Number and popup mode
- Auto fill note option
- Auto-save your game and can resume any time.
- hints for those required
- Performance calculation based on difficulty.
- highlight wrong values
- highlight completed number
- Support Awesome themes and option to customize your theme
- Add your own sudoku and play
- See complete solution if you fail to figure it out
- Set checkpoints and option to undo before mistake
- You can export your game and sudoku games to sdcard and restore it if you change the phone.


Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mallusofts.sudokuultimate


7HwznAAKw9XbuFwccxv8aSApeJiovEdVezoVaPps  HF9TYthGm5rcecdhZ3pBorfxxZ3F088-YfvM4m74  21t3tjmvHDfTCTY_yoyvNgio-UM01grrjPHwr-HP



2.) Sudoku Deluxe (VIP)


• Great for beginners or experts
• Simple user-interface 
• Auto-remove pencil notes feature 
• No timers at all! Just relax and have fun!
• Beautiful, easy to read numbers!
• Auto-highlight other cells with the same number as the currently selected cell
• Auto-highlight cells that have a visible conflict
• Auto-highlight pencil marks that have a visible conflict


Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.artstorm.sudokuvip


q2Kd72mOj0GvFZrUAIAWlPccrS7VEw2qNdeOlwjU  i-9cBX9P0Cm-4WyTfrI0e-ZqmN12zHXjpgkUdDMM  4UWoYDib7TFxaaBVKE4ir_NPL4VjVtZymC9Fazgb



3.) Sudoku Cartoon



* Enjoy Sudoku without advertising.
* Play and collect beautiful and wonderful illustrations!
* There are more than 5,000 different stages available.
* You can select the difficulty level you want to play: easy, normal, difficult or professional 


Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crablue.picsudoku


Pqxh2lrK6pGc5ViiU4CWBPWWH0JU9KVg2FG1kEnA  bSSbxEEuemeLbVG92SckeoLzppmQVmbEJp1UnQMY  02nw5Stx6Xty3MdWOoZrF0JUh_ewSHOLlc_YGnSb

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4.) Sudoku Ultimate PRO (No Ads)


Offline classic style Sudoku is a logic-based, combinatorial number-placement puzzle game. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. 


The game has two game play style- Classic and Unlimited. Classic mode contains 1000 unique puzzle of four difficulty levels. Unlimited game style support three different game modes:

  1. a 6x6 game field with 2x3 subsections
  2. a 9x9 game field with 3x3 subsections
  3. a 12x12 game field with 3x4 subsections

For each game mode there are four different difficulty levels, that are not measured by the number of set values but rather by the solving strategies needed to solve the game.


Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=techmasterplus.sudokupuzzlepro


8BD4qP2-SyQKu8RQIJ_QjR3eOK4WVIU76AL1yGxpWWqhUivMfxxJg0dHHf-lJGA5lZ5G_OFwCMv8kILK  MfB0PrJDTnTJRy068xevGFBYDPmU3YQ5kM1U0vpU

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