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[Expired] PC AutoTimer v3.0.1.0


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Make PC resume from sleep to perform scheduler

PC AutoTimer is the light-weight and easy-to-use application that allows you to wake up your computer resume from sleep state, so you can specify your computer to perform some scheduled tasks without having to keep it up and running for a long time. It will help you make the schedule or customize the hotkeys to launch these repetitive actions, such as shutting down, restarting, sleeping, opening a program, and operating the keyboard and mouse instead of people etc.

With PC AutoTimer, you can have more fun in your life. Wake up every morning at the sound of your own favorite music. Go to your office to find that your computer has already been turned on for you. And when you leave to go home, the program helps you close the computer so it doesn’t wear off.

Not only turn your computer into an interesting alarm clock, PC AutoTimer can also perform a lot of repetitive mechanical tasks, including let your computer wake up regularly to help you work remotely, as well as it can be used as a simple One Sentence Reminder to remind you to prepare birthday gifts for an important people in advance.

PC AutoTimer takes up very few system resources. It only needs about 3-4MB of memory when it is running in the foreground, and as low as about 1MB when it goes to the background. Usually, it is always quietly located in the corner, so you can hardly feel its existence and not be disturbed.

The main features of PC AutoTimer include:

Wake up for power-on – auto-start up your computer to work at a specified date and time, even if the system was stopped in hibernation or sleep states.

Shut down or sleep – put your computer into sleep, hibernation as well as power-off state with a scheduled task, help you prevent throwing money away to an always-on system.

Task Scheduler – schedule an application to run at a specific time, making this program a complete scheduling solution. For example, running a music player in the morning makes your computer as a music alarm.

Hotkey collection – define your a lot of keyboard hotkeys to launch the specified actions or your favorite frequently used software/app as well as a macro script.

Keyboard/Mouse Macro – record and playback Human Mouse move click and Keyboard Input from the Macro Script, let your computer have the ability to automatically handle some complex actions.

More features – turn on, turn off, reboot, lock session or log off your system fast by scheduled task or hotkey, as well as an One Sentence Reminder to remind you of important things regularly, and more.




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Terms and Conditions
  • This is a 1-computer lifetime license, for noncommercial use
  • No free updates; if you update the giveaway, it may become unregistered
  • No free tech support
  • You must redeem the license key before this offer has ended
  • May not be resold
Technical Details
  • Developed by LifSoft
  • Version is v3.0.1.0
  • Download size is 1.16 MB
  • Supports Windows 7, 8/8.1, and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)


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