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Two years ago I applied for a Facialbook account.. It took them a year ( that's 12 months ) to send me a verification. I responded ( and this was during the big problems that were in the News about Facebook getting hacked when they responded ) .. with a letter about the incompetence.. and I logged in and deactivated my account.. removed all of the information from being seen that I could... I did not want to even mess with it at that point.. and especially with all of the negative mess going on ... did I want to worry about it or do a repeat of MySpaz.. ( affectionate little name I have for them these days.. and all )

Today, I received a notification around 8AM that my account had been reactivated... Which I did not do... So I had to go in and do it again, and change the password on the account..So I thought I would let everyone know that someone or something is going on at Facebook and to keep a look out for anything odd.. ( for those of you with an account, and who have had issues in the past ). Don't really know if this would be a news item.. but thought a heads up would be in order..

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maybe another hack is going around ?!

facebook has became the people interest for hacking :D

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Don't really know if this would be a news item.. but thought a heads up would be in order..

Thanks for posting (I'll be revisiting my account with them.)

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well facebook is crap .

two weeks back , while i was chatting with a friend , on facebook , every time i received a msg from him , a DAP window would come up of downloading some pop.mp3 file . has happened twice .

its a weak setup...

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Nope, you are not strange. Facebook is really boring, i don't get how people get to stare at it for hours, waiting for pointless updates on other people's life. I got better things to do then waste it on this thing.

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I have had a problem with Facebook months ago. My account was hacked and FB team closed it temporarily. It was a week where my ISP went off service. I had changed the password after that.

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LOL. I read about FB problems (including security problems) everyday. I would advice everyone to stay far from it. As per Comodo, it doesn't even have a valid certificate if I'm not wrong. ;)

@heath28m: Hoping to see that your FB's troubling journey end soon. :P

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  • 1 month later...

Okay yeah double post BUT yet again to day I get a very UNOFFICIAL looking email to an email account I have not ever used in conjunction with Facebook..AND as I noted above I don't use the account and deactivated it..

Exact email body:

Dear user of facebook,

Because of the measures taken to provide safety to our clients, your password has been changed.

You can find your new password in attached document.


Your Facebook.

This came with an attachment inside a ZIP file, which contained an EXE file with the same name.. that has a Word icon for its identifier..

Nothing would have thrown me off more .. to have an attachment sent to me.. but more likely the format of the email itself..

Not saying its definitely anything, nothing was picked up with like the one thing I scanned it with.. BUT I find it odd.. after all of this.. that in fact I still get this email..

I never opened the file.. but I did shred it ..

Anyone else ever have this happen?

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Yes, I received a very similar e-mail yesterday. It wasn't even addressed to me, but rather someone with the same first name, close to alphabetical last name, and the same domain name. I deleted it with the rest of my spam. :battle:

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I have read somewhere about this "email" from facebook and the exe attachment ... they say nod32 doesn't detect this as malware, have you checked heath?


here is the ThreatExpert report about that attachment.

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Almost all of my spam is caught by my Yahoo! and Gmail Web-based e-mail accounts. Almost nothing makes it to Microsoft Outlook.

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Well this one is blacklisted now.. but no ESET didn't get it BUT common sense and experience said..'I smell BS'.. I would be willing to bet that when it went active I would have been cleaning..and doing an immediate disconnect as always..

Someone or something has gotten my email addresses.. two of them.. and they are the only two that get used.. for mostly sites like anything from nsane to general stuff.. nothing important.. but I have been getting straight porn emails... Hookup emails, random invitations to photo albums.. everyone I report as a phishing scam for Windows Live and add to my servers Blacklist reporting on the other.. This one is the first one on the main account.. I think it will and should be quite easy to get rid of the problem..These things are always more obvious than some think.

I never mess with anything that I have not solicited upon myself.. which covers 99% of the BS that comes along..

EDIT: I haven't checked my Gmail account in forever..hopefully auto-delete spam is working LOL.. I know I have to go empty it again.. :(

I haven't actually set up Outlook sine I had 2007 installed.. but I never had an issue back then.. this has been recent.. Like around the beginning of the year.. maybe since the end of last year.. Main issue being that I don't think ESS will integrate into Outlook 2010.. ( sounds like I have been lazy but that is most likely the farthest thing from it.. )

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I dont have problem with FB! Everything is fine!I get some phishing mail for facebook but i dont open them! :D You just need to be smart for that stuff! :sneaky:

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Yeah, you need to set up the policy setting properly. Seem there is no privacy on its default mode. Everyone in the net can see your photos if you don't setting your policy correctly. WTF, the default should prevent other ppl from viewing your photos and not the other way round.

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My photos are not the problem... Those are secure... and only a few to ad some color.. very general images.. for when I was testing some of it. The problem is that I am getting INVITATIONS to view other accounts pictures..

Like this one for example..

MM is sharing the photo album CAM71 with you.

View album


"Hey babe..

How u been? Its me Madison..I remember I promised you I would let you know when I was about to start work again so you could join me. Well I am about to go on now so here is the VIP PASS code I promised u.. Just rememeber dont tell anyone.. Its for you ONLY.. if anyone else uses this link other than u i can get in serious shit lol.. Anyways I am on now.. nobody is logged in yet so itll just be me and u.. I broke up with my bf so im single now too.. ya knwo what that means *wink wink*.. ok here u go and im trusting u.. its 100% free so DONT SHARE IT WITH UR BUDDIES OR ILL SLAP U WHEN WE MEET UP next week. xoxo Maddi.


Take a look!

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