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I got this notebook


Specs should be found here

and says win 8.1 x64. I guess normal its home version



I got hands in this litle notebook almost new havent run many hours

I try install windows LTSC 2019 but its working very slow, I cant replace or upgrade ram only 2 GB onboard

I have win 8.1 but no working key and no interest in kms act, so I install win LTSB 2015 x64 hwid activated is this LTSB the best working solution for this pc it seems it use only 0.9 GB ram so 1 GB left is it enough for mailing,lite social mediaand some work with word and adobe reader, will it be faster if I install 32 bits version instead x64 bits both win LTSB and office 2019 I have a retail key for it and need only word and adobe reader together some other not heavy program. Thanks in advance.

I,m pretty sure that if I decide reinstall original soft my guess after spec should be win 8.1 home it will find the key on the board.

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12 minutes ago, donkey-girl said:

I have win 8.1 but no working key and no interest in kms act,


You can visit our section for help this regards


14 minutes ago, donkey-girl said:

I try install windows LTSC 2019 but its working very slow


It should work well on this PC, you will require DirectX, which isn't included in this version, if your card is causing this

16 minutes ago, donkey-girl said:

so I install win LTSB 2015 x64 hwid activated is this LTSB the best working solution for this pc


This is too old, but it is your choice, you can still go back to Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, if you feel it runs better on this small "thing" 😁


So my opinion on this

I would suggest you try to experiment around with some OSes, you think will run faster on it, of course a x32 bit version should run well on this PC


In any case we THE OFFICE TEAM have all the support you need to help on whatever Windows version you decide to use

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  • 4 weeks later...

Having a machine with only 2 GB of ram can be problematic as it makes the machine to work slowly whetever the tasks executed on it but it will be less slower if you run on the machine only the necessary tasks as using office and browsing but not by opening several tabs or windows at the same time, only the minimum tabs is required to not slow the machine significantly.


One thing you need to know is that you have to install windows 32 bits if your machine contains only 2 GB (less than 4 GB in general) so by installing windows 64 bit with only 2 GB , you can be sure that the machine will become extremely slow even by running only the necessary tasks i talked about above.


So my advice is to upgrade to minimum 2 GB of ram and then you will have to install windows 64 bits as (windows 32 bit support only 3 GB of ram so you won't have the totality of ram recognized) and you will be able to work normally on the machine without slowness (by doing extra tasks besides the necessary tasks) even even if you will notice some slowness from time to time.


If you are willing to use some softwares that require ressource as photoshop ot other demanding ressource, you should expect extreme slowness when using the machine.


But before upgrading the ram you will have to make sure that your motherboard can handle 4 GB, in other words you will have to check the maximum of rams that your motherborad can support.


If your machine can't handle more than 2GB of ram so install windows 32 bits and you will have to use it by running the necessary tasks on it as i mentionned above (browsing, office, skype....)


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I cant upgrade this HP onboard ram, Seems also I cant install x32bits only x64 uefi on the GPT disk( have to look further when I have time why I guess the problem is in bios setting) I havent pay a dime for this pc and it havent worked more than 50 hours in total, so this is a litle project for find best solution, it shal only be used litle surfing social media,youtube,write pdf and word document and some office mails. No games on it I know it wont handle that. Also I,m not expert still novice :) BTW pt it runs with win 10 LTSB 2016 x64 ram used 0.9 GB

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Because you are really tied up because upgrade is impossible and pspecs are just too low stick with windows 8.1 64 bit or any of those light linux builds

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17 minutes ago, donkey-girl said:

Seems also I cant install x32bits only x64 uefi on the GPT disk( have to look further when I have time why)


you need to be sure about that. Go to the bios and see if you can disable UEFI.


18 minutes ago, donkey-girl said:

I cant upgrade this HP onboard ram


it seems that the max RAM that you can upgrade to on this machine is 8 GB => https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Hardware-and-Upgrade-Questions/Change-RAM-for-Hp-Notebook-14-ac080no/td-p/6117472


If you want to be sure about this, you can check the max of ram that your board can support by yourself.

Run this exe file then wait few seconds until a page opens with all information about your machine, it will tell you the quantity of ram that your machine can support.


Site : https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode : /files/12955865/CrucialScan.rar.html


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Do you really need windows? For the use that you described I believe that you would have a better experience with using Lubuntu or Chrome OS (search for neverware cloudready).

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You can't upgrade at all. 


From the Manual:


Supports up to 2 GB max on-board system memory (Celeron processors only)


You have a Celeron N3050 so on your model the memory is hard soldered to the motherboard and cannot be replaced or upgraded at all. The processor is also soldered. The logic board is similar to a cell phone...all premanufactured. 

Service Manual



I ask only for advice to best solution and so far only Win LTSB x64 fits so so for this lap, why it cant let me install x32 bits system I will investegate further,I guess some have to be change in bios. For a spare office pc it runs for now (not so fast)

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15 hours ago, mehdibleu said:


you need to be sure about that. Go to the bios and see if you can disable UEFI.







This way bios stay for now, should it stay like this for let me install x32 bits(I,m no expert)

bios setting hp notebook.jpg

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4 hours ago, donkey-girl said:


You can't upgrade at all. 


From the Manual:


Supports up to 2 GB max on-board system memory (Celeron processors only)


You have a Celeron N3050 so on your model the memory is hard soldered to the motherboard and cannot be replaced or upgraded at all. The processor is also soldered. The logic board is similar to a cell phone...all premanufactured. 

Service Manual


That's very annoying,  if it's indeed soldered, you can't do anything.


15 minutes ago, donkey-girl said:

This way bios stay for now, should it stay like this for let me install x32 bits(I,m no expert)


i don't see an option to disable UEFI so go to "Legacy Support" and make it "enabled".

By doing that, UEFI could be disabled automatically after that to allow to legacy bios to be only used.

Try that and see what happens.


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10 minutes ago, mehdibleu said:


That's very annoying,  if it's indeed soldered, you can't do anything.



i don't see an option to disable UEFI so go to "Legacy Support" and make it "enabled".

By doing that, UEFI could be disabled automatically after that to allow to legacy bios to be only used.

Try that and see what happens.


should be done now, if its corect that way I will test later in evening work is calling for me :) I will return when done. Thanks so far.


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In "UEFI boot order" , don't touch anything, make sure that "USB diskette on key/USB Hard disk" is not on first


in "Legacy boot order" put "USB diskette on key/USB Hard disk" on first then "Notebook hard disk" on second


2 scenarios can happen after that, either windows 10 will be installed on UEFI with legacy bios and if it's the case win10 will be still installed in UEFI on GPT disk or after enabling Legacy support, UEFI will be disabled automatically and if it's the case, windows will be installed on legacy bios on MBR.


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