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[Windows] Indiegala's Free Games - Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part III : NightFall & Woem Maze


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Welcome To... Chichester 2 - Part III : NightFall


This is an early demo of the full game

This visual novel is the last in the Welcome To... Chichester 2 trilogy, and the penultimate episode. Playing the previous episode would be beneficial.

The Story
For a short while after the events of No Regrets For The Future, life returned to normality for the protagonist and Grendel Jinx. However, with William making an unwanted return from the Happy Glowstick Funtime Re-education Camp, everything starts becoming more complicated for Grendel as she has to contend with final school exams, her parents divorcing, and an unwanted new stepsister.
The protagonist is naturally dragged into these affairs as he/she has to contend with an assassination attempt by Grendel's father, being abducted by Grendel's mother, an increasingly hostile (to The Council Of The Unseen) secretary and a debauched boss, culminating in the protagonist being forced to destroy The Council Of The Unseen, by using their own weapons against them.
Spanning five years from the end of No Regrets to the start of The Spy Of America And The Long Vacation, this episode concludes the main prequel arc - with a bang


Download : https://triority.indiegala.com/welcome-to-chichester-2-part-iii-nightfall




You are a magical creature similar to a worm who got into an ancient labyrinth and you have to get out of it! You can slide left and right with the keys :

A and D or <- and ->. 

You must escape the maze and not stop otherwise you will die! You can get stuck in a trap, get killed by enemies, or stop behind simple or moving walls!


Download: https://verietysoftproductions.indiegala.com/wormmaze

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