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[Expired] Password Manager Pro [Android]


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Password Manager Pro is a secure password keeper and password generator that allows you to keep your passwords safe and secure in an encrypted database. So you have secure storage of your data and you only have to remember your master-pin.

Password Manager Pro typically requires its user to create and remember one master pin to unlock and access to any information stored in its database. Password Manager never has the master pin to your encrypted data, so your information remains safe. Your password is encrypted with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) encryption. You can access your data with different android devices via your own account.

☆ Store your password for all types of site with strong AES-256 encryption.
☆ Protect your passwords from hacking and data theft.
☆ Access via one single master-pin that only you know.
☆ Password Generator for creating strong secure passwords.
☆ Securely store unlimited information in an encrypted vault.
☆ Screenshot Prevention.
☆ Multiple Language Supports (German, Italian, English, Bangla)
☆ No need to worry about data backup. With free syncing, anything you save on one device is instantly available on all other devices.


Language Support: English , German, Bangla, Italian, Spanish , French, Turkish , Hungarian.


Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aust.rakib.passwordmanager.pro


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