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WhatsOnFlix? (What's new on Netflix?) - 1 Year Premium


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What is new on Netflix, what is expiring, and where do I find great movies, shows and documentations? Do not miss a thing with this personal streaming guide to Netflix! Netflix is vast and can be quite confusing. “WhatsOnFlix?” takes care of that and structures the offered streaming opportunities for you to give a complete overview at a glance. Daily updated lists show newcomers and soon expiring content. With information, description, ratings, trailers, and containing direct links for viewing on Netflix. The most complete Netflix mobile search-engine on the market lets you run through all available content on Netflix to search and filter by type, genre, rating, or language.


Here is what “WhatsOnFlix?” has in store for you:
✔ Complete Netflix catalogue for the United States
✔ Daily listing of newly added & expiring content
✔ App is available completely in English language
✔ If desired: Push messages for highlights
✔ Frequent and regular improvement updates
✔ Editorial news to Netflix content
✔ Integrated data from IMDb and TMDb
✔ Extensive Netflix search-engine


Get it here on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.svzi.streaming.vod.whatsonflix


If (like in my case) you can't install the app from Google Play because your "device is incompatible", you can manually download and install the apk file from ApkPure:



Requirements: Android 5.1+



After having installed WhatsOnFlix from either GooglePlay or ApkPure, run the app, open the settings, chose "more" tap on "premium" and insert the following code to activate the premium subscription


NOTE: You will have to create an account before being able to activate the premium features.



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