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Can we have a sub-section dedicated to feedback hub?


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it'd be great if we had an official sub-section dedicated only to exchanging and talking about problems/features in Windows insider, and sharing feedback mini URLs from feedback hub app so we can upvote them together and give them higher priority in feedback hub. this will greatly increase our chance of implementing a feature or a change in Windows insider that we all want.

and in case of a problem, the community can reproduce it and share details in feedback hub under the same feedback.


this is all easily done because of the fact that we get shortened URLs from feedback hub for sharing.


regular Windows users can also upvote suggestions if they find it useful.


there is no 3rd party link involved.

all of them begin with https://aka.ms/

Official Microsoft domain.

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How would you see it being implemented?


Would a new forum/sub-forum be needed or would say, a single new topic "Windows Insiders' Discussion" be enough, or a few new topics?


Adding a new Windows Insiders' topic or topics to say the Software Chat forum is something that you could do right now.


But adding new forum(s) would need more Staff discussion and thought and be less likely to happen than a new topic or topics.

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Cool, nice work.


Let's see responses here to the proposal from other members and Staff.

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23 hours ago, Sylence said:

sharing feedback mini URLs from feedback hub app so we can upvote them together and give them higher priority in feedback hub.


Sorry the risks of using shortened URLs can often lead to tracking and or affiliate marketing making this part unlikely to be approved IMHO but good luck here just the same.



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2 hours ago, Mach1 said:


Sorry the risks of using shortened URLs can often lead to tracking and or affiliate marketing making this part unlikely to be approved IMHO but good luck here just the same.




@Mach1 @Nuclear Fallout @cosy 


Hold on a second...have you ever shared a link from feedback hub before? 


tracking and affiliate? 


there is no 3rd party involved.


all of them begin with https://aka.ms/


such as this: https://aka.ms/AA49w4r


that's Official Microsoft domain.






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1 hour ago, Sylence said:

tracking and affiliate?


that's Official Microsoft domain.


Sign in or an account required ??



Posts which include spamming, advertising, solicitation, profanity or otherwise are not permitted. This includes and is not limited to links via cash sites (including rewards for downloads), affiliate marketing, and links requiring a premium/ paid account to access. As these are generally considered more serious than other infractions, members may be warned or banned on the first instance.


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55 minutes ago, Mach1 said:


Sign in or an account required ??





Of course sign-in with Microsoft account is required. if that wasn't the case, everyone could spam the system with fake votes etc. and there wouldn't be any value in sending feedbacks or having upvotes, upvote count would no longer mean anything.


every platform offering similar feature, such as voting, requires some form of sign in.

and no it's not a paid account, it does Not violate that rule you mentioned.


Also, it's not all about voting, only suggestions can be voted, if the feedback is a problem type, you have other options:

reproducing the issue/bug and attaching your details to the feedback.


Who gets reward and benefits out of this in the end? All Windows 10 (including apps, services etc.) users


but don't take my words for it, try it yourself and then we can discuss other questions or concerns you have.

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Microsoft uses this as an abbreviation for projects such as ch9.ms[2] or 1drv.ms for its OneDrive.[3] In particular, 
Aka.ms is used extensively as a URL shortener for Microsoft's web sites, such as http://aka.ms/MFAsetup and http://aka.ms/Azure/IaaSOpsGuide
Whois - Domain Information



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Part of our approval process is to address concerns and consider forum Guidelines one could take this as advertising or even solicitation for the Windows Insider Program because a sign up required, I'm not alone in thinking why should we as a community be involved in helping Microsoft they have their own platform for this with no tracking links, apps or websites because their trustworthy just ask them. 


You or anyone are free to have a dedicated thread for the Windows Insider Program to report and discuss problems etc.

The issue here is if your suggestion is something we want or to be allowed and that is for Admin to decide.

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8 minutes ago, Mach1 said:

Part of our approval process is to address concerns and consider forum Guidelines one could take this as advertising or even solicitation for the Windows Insider Program because a sign up required, I'm not alone in thinking why should we as a community be involved in helping Microsoft they have their own platform for this with no tracking links, apps or websites because their trustworthy just ask them. 


You or anyone are free to have a dedicated thread for the Windows Insider Program to report and discuss problems etc.

The issue here is if your suggestion is something we want or to be allowed and that is for Admin to decide.


Fair enough, I can answer any concerns you, admins or others have and if I fail to do so then we can forget about it.

but what I expect is to at least receive questions from people that at least already tried the service and know how it works and are also familiar with similar matters.


I don't think "sign up" is the correct term here, because accounts like Microsoft or Google are trusted, necessary and many people have them already, more Microsoft accounts than Google accounts I'd say. so that shouldn't be an issue.


but obviously "sign in" is required, for the same reason that people need to sign in to have a profile in this forum and be able to easily post, keep their history etc.


There is no advertising and soliciting, I've seen you've used these words even though me and others have presented proof against it. if there is something that you know, you can share with us, other than that I think using words like that carelessly is problematic because it could affect public opinion, specially when it comes from a moderator.


Feedback hub is for Microsoft services, regular Windows and Windows insider, these are products used by over a Billion of people. me and thousands of other people are already making an impact on the future of these products, I'm simply trying to make it easier for other people here and give them more chance to participate and affect the future of the products they use.


Let's be honest, even if this proposal gets denied, it won't have any adverse effect on the future of Windows and related products, for years it's been going on, and for years in the future it will keep going. because it's too big to be affected. so there is really nothing to lose and nothing big to gain, specially not for the company. the benefit is mostly for the people.

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5 minutes ago, Sylence said:

There is no advertising and soliciting, I've seen you've used these words even though me and others have presented proof against it.


That's your opinion others may not agree, what proof are you talking about ?

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12 minutes ago, Mach1 said:


That's your opinion others may not agree, what proof are you talking about ?



Which part is my opinion exactly? I'm curious to know, because I was stating the facts in my previous comment, except for this part

"more Microsoft accounts than Google accounts I'd say" yes that part only is my opinion because there is no public data or document to back it up.



Well, you said "tracking and or affiliate marketing", and "advertising or even solicitation".

I was kindly asking to provide a proof for that. because the way it works is that people share their feature suggestions or problems they are having, with each other so that others can help either get those features implemented or solve the problems they have.


so my questions are:

  1. tracking what and how exactly? tracking is a broad word. I can use tracking as in keep the track of your likes on YouTube videos and that's how Google shows how many likes a video has got. and the same applies to feedback hub, upvotes are tracked to show how many upvotes a suggestion has received.
  2. marketing what and how exactly? nothing is being sold, there is no exchange of money. no one is getting paid nor losing their money.
  3. advertising what and how exactly? for Windows? do you Really think Windows needs advertising?
  4. soliciting? that's also broad word. I mean sure person A can ask everyone to upvote his/her/their suggestion because they/he/she likes it and wants to see it happen, so that's an example where community can help each other.
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12 minutes ago, Sylence said:

Well, you said "tracking and or affiliate marketing", and "advertising or even solicitation".

I was kindly asking to provide a proof for that.


Well I could kindly ask you for proof that there isn't any..  just because its Microsoft doesn't mean there is no tracking or collection of information that could be passed onto or sold to other parties there is only blind faith here and proof of nothing this is my opinion that happens to be shared by others as I've already said your request is for Admin to decide and I have no interest in debating with you I'm not the one you need to convince they are and I wish you good luck with that have a nice day.

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32 minutes ago, Mach1 said:


Well I could kindly ask you for proof that there isn't any..  just because its Microsoft doesn't mean there is no tracking or collection of information that could be passed onto or sold to other parties there is only blind faith here and proof of nothing this is my opinion that happens to be shared by others as I've already said your request is for Admin to decide and I have no interest in debating with you I'm not the one you need to convince they are and I wish you good luck with that have a nice day.



Look, for example, If I accuse you of robbery, you should ask me what's my proof, because otherwise that's just a baseless accusation I'm making. I should be the one providing proof First, not you provide proof of your innocence. that's how things work, at least in the law.


I've already done my fair share of things and explained about those 4 items above.


there is nothing to be sold. if you make a suggestion saying "we need to modernize file explorer in windows", you think Microsoft sells it to someone? who buys that? and more importantly, why? it's a public information after all.


I know admins have to decide, the only reason I'm replying to you is because like I said if someone has any concerns, I try to solve it and that's what I'm doing. I'm sure no one wants to be misinformed.


I've been part of this community for almost 7 years, I've seen the majority of programs shared are related to Windows and other MSFT services, that's where I got the idea from, to help people here help each other.


I absolutely don't take this personally, accepted or denied makes me neither richer nor poorer :) you have a nice day as well!

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2 minutes ago, Sylence said:

I absolutely don't take this personally, accepted or denied makes me neither richer nor poorer :) you have a nice day as well!


Absolutely correct my friend there is never anything personal we only shared our opinions there is no innocence because there is no guilt :) just a difference of opinions.

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26 minutes ago, Sylence said:

I absolutely don't take this personally, accepted or denied makes me neither richer nor poorer :) you have a nice day as well!


13 minutes ago, Mach1 said:

Absolutely correct my friend there is never anything personal we only shared our opinions there is no innocence because there is no guilt :) just a difference of opinions.

Wow.  May all members read this exchange!  Kudos to @Sylence and @Mach1Role models, both!

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