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Torrent tracker/board DanishBits taken down


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Sad news

Everything has an end and it seems that Denmarks oldest and biggest tracker is shot down, one member is busted and this member was taken care of all server works

info in Danish

Site: https://pastebin.com
Sharecode: /NYFEKAa8

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Moved from FileSharing News.


I'm sorry, but because it's not an actual news article and the linked to text is in Danish, it's better here.


Normally non-English posts would be hidden, but leaving this one because it seems to be the only record of DanishBits' sadly closing.

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google translate - a more personal note


Dear users, it is unfortunately with a lump in the throat that we must inform you that DB as you all know it, and which you all have loved unfortunately seems to have reached the end of the road - We in staff have been informed that important people behind DB have unfortunately been caught by the long arm of the law, these people have been in charge of running the site and the current downtime is simply due to the fact that these people are not present to solve them.


Security has always been emphasized extremely highly on DB, this is of course an excellent thing, but just in this situation it also means that the remaining people in staff have no options to access servers / database to bring life to the site, this means that DB will unfortunately not come up again in the near future and it is even uncertain whether we will see DB again in the future, we can of course hope!


It is extremely important from staff and pointers that the entire DB has been set up with the security of each individual user in mind, this means that all servers run full encryption and it is thus practically impossible to access data, even if the servers behind the page should be seized - At the time of writing, the servers have not been seized according to staff information.


We would like to say thank you to all of you who have supported the site over the last many many years, and then we would like to apologize for the fact that no information has come out until now, we in staff have wanted to exhaust all our options before we announced this out, it is of course not our wish that the site should go this way.


All of us in staff would also like to send a request to the remaining Danish trackers (ShareUniversity and Asgrd) to open up signup so that users on DB can find a new place and download their daily content.


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  • 2 months later...

Today the latest torrent tracker share university in Denmark announce that they are too closing down 31.12.2020 or maybe before. Asgrd took the plug yesterday so SU might do the same one of the next day.


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