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[Expired] 6 Free Udemy's courses for a limited time


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1. Instagram Hashtags Marketing in 2020: Smart Instagram Growth
Description: Instagram Hashtags Marketing White Hat Methods - Growth Hacking With Hashtags To Constantly Gain Followers (+PDF bonus)

Instagram Marketing With Hashtags is the only white hat method to constantly grow your account on Instagram.

So if you want to gain more followers, comments, and sales - the methods described in this course are for you.

Marketing strategies given in this course are easy to apply on any kind of Instagram accounts - business or personal.

It works similarly as SEO for Google but for your Instagram Account.


Hashtags give you an option to show your content (images, videos or Instagram stories) to a wide audience of Instagram.

As you know when you add some hashtags to your posts other people can find your profile, subscribe and become your customers.

But does your Instagram marketing hashtag strategy gives you the desired outcome?

If you think you can improve it - you on the right track.

 In this course, I'll give you a complete step-by-step strategy for growing your Instagram account with hashtags.

We will take a look at hashtag basics, I’ll explain to you how to find high converting hashtags, what is the difference between general and more targeted hashtags.

Also, I’ll share with you how you can get on Instagram Top-9 recommendations section, where to add hashtags in your profile (trust me on that, it is very important) and why you need to create your own branded hashtags.


In the second part of the course, we will cover how to give a significant boost to your profile discovery with Instagram search engine optimization (SEO).

I’ll also cover a few growth hacking methods to help you reach the desired amount of followers much faster.

This two methods combined (Instagram marketing with hashtags + growth hacking strategy) will give you a great opportunity to differentiate yourself from others.

This course will cover up different apps and services for Instagram marketing including hashtag research applications on computer and mobile to automate this process for you.

Anyway it wouldn't be in 100% auto mode, so you'll have to add it some twist, but trust me after finishing this course you will clearly understand how to create interesting content for your audience, how to find and generate right hashtags on Instagram and all necessary knowledge to leverage your account and win Instagram game.

Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/instagram-marketing-with-hashtags/?couponCode=HASH2020


2. User Story Mapping Workshop - Scrum Product Owner
Description: Workshop to create a User Story Map. Agile Vision and Product backlog management. Advanced Scrum. Apply it right away.

Did you realize how difficult is to visualize the product as a whole when working with a typical Flat Product Backlog?

A solution is User Story Mapping. A user story map is a simple idea, is about arranging user stories into a helpful shape. User Story mapping are used by top companies of any industries to visualize goals with activities and agree fast on how to achieve them with minimum versions of the product.

This workshop will guide you step by step with a realistic example that you can also follow with your own project.

If you have no knowledge about User stories, don't worry, we will start by writing user stories, apply formats for acceptance criteria, understand the different sizes of user stories and split the stories to the right size using proven techniques and approaches. You will see many examples of how to apply these techniques.

Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/user-story-mapping-workshop-scrum-product-owner/?couponCode=4C93B686899A0EC3E64E


3. Learn Complete Calculus 1 from scratch
Description: Learn everything from Calculus 1.It carries 42.5 hrs content, 59 Sections, 327 areas, 556 solved numerical problems
Be a master of calculus 1. Learn Calculus 1 through animation ,The course includes videos explanation with basics, graphical and mathematical proofs. It carries hundreds of numerical practice problems with complete solutions. The lectures are appealing, fancy (graphic designing), fast and take less time to walk you through the content. A prefect choice for students who take high school and college.

Why I want you to join this course?

  1. It carries 42.5 hours content

  2. 59 Sections

  3. 370+ lectures

  4. 327 areas that have been included

  5. 325 Figures and tables

  6. 556 solved numerical problems with complete solutions

  7. Animation has been used throughout the course

  8. Suitable background (Neither very sharp nor very dark)

  9. It took me full year to complete this course

So join me here and do it in a quick and easy way.

List of content:

  • Function

  • Domain & Range

  • Inverse function

  • Vertical line test

  • Horizontal line test

  • Ordered pair test

  • Graphing of function

  • Transformation of function

  • Parabola

  • Inverse parabolic function

  • Circle

  • Center and Radius of a circle

  • Radian and Degree of a circle

  • Least squares method

  • Least square lines/Regression lines

  • Limit

  • Limit of Trigonometric functions

  • Limit of infinity

  • One-sided limit

  • Two-sided limit

  • Limit of multi variable functions

  • Continuity & Discontinuity

  • Asymptote

  • Vertical Asymptote

  • Horizontal Asymptote

  • Hole

  • Point-slope form of the equation

  • Slope-intercept form of the equation

  • Standard form of the equation

  • Tangent and normal lines

  • Derivative Rule

  • Chain Rule

  • Power Rule

  • Product Rule

  • Quotient Rule

  • Derivative of Trigonometric functions

  • Inverse Trigonometric functions

  • Hyperbolic functions

  • Inverse hyperbolic functions

  • Composite functions

  • Implicit Differentiation

  • Logarithmic and exponential Rules

  • Logarithmic and exponential differentiation

  • Squeeze Theorem

  • Modeling and solving the equations

Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/calculus-1-pre-calculus/?couponCode=10859F6A


4. Introduction to Quantum Computing
Description: Master Quantum Computing and Understand all the Basics of Quantum Computing in just one course
Understanding what quantum computing is is definitely not an easy task. Indeed, since this is a new science there is a few places where you can find a quality introduction course about this topic. Indeed, usually all the course are either to advanced or simply does not cover properly the topic of quantum computing. But, this course is designed to give you all the basic knowledge about the topic. If you :

- Are a student and want to learn about new technologies

- Are interested about this topic but don't know were to find good resources about it

- Want to know how to work with different tools used for quantum computing

- Simply curious about the topic and you want to learn more about it

Then this course is definitely for you and you will love it. Not only you will learn different theoretical concepts that are really useful in quantum computing but you will also use different tools to practice everything that you have learned. Finally, you will not only have an introduction to the topic but also to Microsoft Q the programming language used for quantum computing.

Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/introduction-to-quantum-computing/?couponCode=BB6061FF48B57A37A854


5. Video Background Transparent Login Form-HTML CSS & BOOTSTRAP
Description: Full screen video background transparent login & signup form using html css and bootstrap FROM SCRATCH | 2020

In this course we will learn how to add a full screen video background using html css and bootstrap.

We will start from scratch so all the classes and styling use in this course we will discuss first so when we start working on our project you know all the stuff. We will create a transparent login and signup form which will be completely responsive on all devices. So after completing this course you will be confident how to add a video background in website using html css and bootstrap.

Also you will know how we make an eye catching responsive login and registration form using html css and bootstrap.

If you know little bit html or css and you are not confident how to make a responsive login and signup form then after completing this  course you will be confident and learn lots of new things. And if you don't know all stuff then don't worry about that we will start from scratch so first we will discuss the classes and styling why we use this and how this work. I will explain each and everything. So when we know before making this form how things work then you can easily understand the flow of the project.

If you are eager to learn something new then this course is for you. You will learn lots of things in this course.

Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/transparent-login-form/?couponCode=3-DAY-AQ


6. Clean Code with PHP examples
Description: Learn Clean Code principles to become a better PHP developer, write easy to maintain code and do better at interviews.
This is a course about useful clean code principles.
My aim is to teach you concepts that you can use every time you write code.

Clean Code can help you:

- Write better PHP code and thus become a better PHP programmer

- Create easy to maintain projects

- Perform better during interviews by showing knowledge of advanced programming concepts

The course has PHP examples and I sometimes mention things like Symfony and MVC.

Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/clean-code-php/?couponCode=8BC994B0C5776DE128AA

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