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WebMinds Duplicate Photo Cleaner 5


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Source : https://thesoftware.shop/webminds-duplicate-photo-cleaner-review-download-discount/

Do you enjoy shooting photos in this digital era as much as most people do? Especially since smartphones came along which allow us to shoot better pictures than most cameras did a decade ago! This is a wonderful thing as it helps us remember special moments for “eternity”.

The ensuing ease, however, leads to a completely different challenge because taking a photo is so much cheaper and easier than in the good old days of shooting on analogue film!

Do you know the feeling of sitting in front of giant mountain of photos?

Despite the ease of sorting photos digitally (and processing them) screening and sorting photos is still an enormous effort. Add to that that software meant to simplify the task often is mega-complex and costly and it feels like being back in the age of analogue.

That’s where WebMinds Duplicate Photo Cleaner comes into play and despite the name, it can do more than find duplicate photos. It finds similar photos, too!

“Why is finding similar images important?” I hear you ask… The answer is easy: Imagine shooting a scene a number of times, maybe even in continous shooting mode with up to a 100 images of a scene. Now you can group all shots of a scene together and choose which shot is best. And to top it off you can define the degree of similarity yourself.





To run #THE SOFTWARE with optimum reliability and performance, your system should match the following requirements:

Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
Mac OS X Lion 10.6 – Mac OS X Mojave 10.14


promotion page :





or :







  • In the promotion page, Fill in the form to get the license key for free
  • Once the form submitted, check the email from [email protected] & click on the the confirmation link
  • Once confirmed, You will get your personal license key and also it will be sent to your email address

Download the software from here : http://download.digitalphoto.de/files/DigitalPHOTO/2020/10/DPCSetup_.exe.zip


you can use : https://temp-mail.org/en/


  • Once downloaded, install it & launch the program after installing
  • Use the license key you've got to activate the full version.
  • Done. Enjoy the full features!


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