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Colorize black and white photos


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Image Colorizer is an AI-based image colorizing tool. By using advanced algorithms, it can analyze each pixel and restore the original color to the greatest extent. Image Colorizer maintains a large database of previously processed images instead of random guesses to help pattern recognition and high-quality results. However, the whole complex process only takes no more than a minute to finish. The self-explanatory interface means that anyone can easily use it regardless of its technical literacy.


Image Colorizer is an automatic tool, there are only two things you need to do, upload the image you want to colorize and download the result. The output image has the same size as the original image, so you don’t need to worry about resizing.






Image Colorizer has both an online version and apps for both IOS and Android:


ONLINE: https://imagecolorizer.com/

ANDROID: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.imagecolorizer

IOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1518920566


Image Colorizer compared with other similar services: https://imglarger.com/blog/image-colorizer-tools/




For online: Image Colorizer is totally free for the online version, so you don’t need to worry about being charged. Despite certain limitations, the maximum resolution of 3000×3000 will be more than sufficient in most cases. In addition, Image Colorizer supports three different file formats-.JPG, .JPEG and.PNG, as long as their size does not exceed 4MB.


For app: there are two versions, basic and pro. The basic version is free with some limitations. You can only upload images no more than 1200*1200. No image filters could be applied.

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I tried 3 times with a small b/w photo...each time when I clicked "save link as"

as per the instructions I got a message saying the image couldn't be saved

because an unknown error occurred!! Meh!!:w00t::w00t::w00t:

Ok. I went back to the site and tried again..same result!!


Now tried for third (and last time) with several b/w images..If I right click on "Download" and

click "save link as" I get the error message. If I click the green download

button I get the HTTPS message about "insecure page". If I click to go there anyway, it just goes back to

the same warning page:

Fourth time (stubborn Funkyy!!) I disabled HTTPS Everywhere and now the process works fine. I tried a few old photos and the results are great!!!:dance::dance::dance:

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4 hours ago, funkyy said:

I tried 3 times with a small b/w photo...each time when I clicked "save link as"

as per the instructions I got a message saying the image couldn't be saved

because an unknown error occurred!! Meh!!:w00t::w00t::w00t:

Ok. I went back to the site and tried again..same result!!


Seems working fine here. The colorized image looks great.





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