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Tenable Network Security : Nessus


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Tenable Network Security : Nessus 4

The Nessus® vulnerability scanner is the world-leader in active scanners, featuring high-speed discovery, configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and vulnerability analysis of your security posture. Nessus scanners can be distributed throughout an entire enterprise, inside DMZs and across physically separate networks.

World Renowned Research

Nessus is supported by a world renowned research team and has the largest vulnerability knowledge base, making it suitable for even the most complex environments.

Nessus Licensing

Home User Feed and Licensing is FREE...

Commercial organizations that use the Nessus vulnerability scanner must purchase a ProfessionalFeed subscription to scan their network, obtain support, updates to their database of vulnerability checks and compliance auditing. Each ProfessionalFeed costs $1,200 per year per Nessus scanner and can be purchased from Tenable's ProfessionalFeed Partners or directly from Tenable's E-commerce site.

Nessus Hardware and Virtual Appliances

Tenable offers a hardened, web-based appliance for easy deployment and operation of Nessus. The appliance is available to all ProfessionalFeed subscribers as a VMware virtual image and also available on a variety of hardware appliances.

Enterprise Management

When Nessus is managed with Tenable's Security Center, an enterprise can perform full life-cycle vulnerability and configuration management. Organizations can communicate recommendations to the responsible parties, track remediations and verify security patches and required configurations.

Tenable, ImmunitySec and DSquare Offering for Pen-Testers

Tenable Network Security partnered with ImmunitySec and DSquare Security to offer the Nessus ProfessionalFeed, Canvas and DSquare Exploitation pack as a single commercial offering. Click here for more information.

Be sure to visit the site and check out even more information available, tutorials, screenshots, and videos... License for Home Users is FREE.

Homepage: http://www.tenablesecurity.com/solutions/

Nessus: http://www.nessus.org/nessus/

Download: http://www.nessus.org/download/

Wanted to make a note that the initial update and reloading of plugins for the server will take quite a bit of time on the average Home system. You may also have to restart the service for you to be able to input a New User and Password.. This is an advanced application which requires some general knowledge of this area. (Working on it myself right now..Trying to configure a basic scan for a fairly basic system)

EDIT: Got it, I must say this is an advisable thing to do.. I just finished scanning my Fresh Windows 7 Ultimate installation...and found over 49 total vulnerabilities. One of which was my fault in adding a Network Share.. One which was a Medium Vulnerability.. which was a part of Local Security Policy, which was guided in changing.. ( Program is very Robust )... and the rest were Low which shown how much information could be obtained... ad what information and how it could be used..

EDIT2: IF any of you would like help in settings this up, and getting your system scanned - and accessing it... I would be more than happy to help out...It can guide yo in making sure your information and accessibility is secure and helps in many areas that are not readily available.. always talked about.. but never seen nor changed.. I don't care what you use for Security.. Make it apart of your arsenal!

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  • 2 months later...
  • Administrator

Bumped here to say that v4.2.1 is available.

I did try it but I cannot get past that register now screen. Is there any medicine available for it? (Not requesting)

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Well the Corporate Version is well on to about 4G.. BUT.. for your usage.. and mine.. all I have ever needed is the Home Feed... so register the free Home Feed.. and then when you get the Registration, or Activation in your email...enter it in and then download the plugins and setup a scan ( which I can help you with )... It is just as good as the Corporate Feeds but your looking at a server scanner which can do large networks with precise detailing related t database scanning and technically you don't need it for your home computer.. It .. will do just as good a job.. because those things don't exist if you follow..

About 4.2.1 being available... I removed and quit updating to version numbers on most of my posts because it was getting double and triple posts.. with little or no responses to offset the posting..( bumping the thread - which in effect causes the Admin pan to come back and clean-up and merge and all that ) and I see it inefficient to post up a new Topic to get attention each time for an update for something that doesn't generate interest.. :thumbsup: But yeah its available.. and the scanner will let you know when new version are available..

Let me know when you get ready! :) First time may throw you a little.. and actually connecting the client may get confusing.. You should also be able to connect and scan all of the other systems in your network as well with this.. I actually use my domain name that I use for all of my servers.. instead of an IP ... BUT your IP should work..

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  • Administrator

I had some time at that moment, but now I'm totally busy, will try it some other day. :(

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Yeah it is going to take a minute to grab the plugins.. probably the first one will be about 256 MB about.. then they have to install compile..

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Hacker .. Security, IT.. whats the diff these days... LOL..not to mention that it can be a great tool for awareness of your System/Network Security... even of your devices...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I today turned on a few more features .. and did a scan after I updated the Program to 4.2.2 ( and sorry for double-post ) BUT I have found a vulnerability..


The remote host has an application that is affected by an

information disclosure vulnerability.


The CGI 'sgdynamo.exe' can be tricked into giving the

physical path to the remote web root.

This information may be useful to an attacker who can use

it to make better attacks against the remote server.


None at this time


4.3 (CVSS2#AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)

Plugin Output

It is possible to obtain the phyiscal path to the remote website by sending

the following request :

GET /scripts/sgdynamo.exe?HTNAME=sgdynamo.exe HTTP/1.1

We determined that the remote web path is : 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\scripts\sgdynamo.exe'

This information may be useful to an attacker who can use it to make better

attacks against the remote server.



I have looked around the web and found nothing on it and the program itself states that no fix is yet available.. AND the disclosure path does not exist.. yet still states the Root Directory..

SOOOO.. I thought I would appeal to any of you who may have some knowledge in this field.. to secure this...


Found too vulnerabilities on my Router as well.. but I do not think they can be helped..Eavesdropping capability, and 'wrap' CGI used..

OH.. and it knocked down the router, ( restarted ) and then was blocked ... ( so one of the remaining tests locked it down .. LOL )

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