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We (The Staff) have always been looking for a better way to communicate with nsane.fourms members instead of using the private message which sometimes causes a delay in responding  back, private message is full, and many other issues, so we have created a sub forum for that. Also, members have been using contact us page which now is only limited to use by guests, and this one caused many issues because not all staff members have access to the email address we receive the emails sent from it.





Form now on the main Site / Forum Feedback forum will be only using for new suggestions and ideas. The new support forum will be used by the members to support and help them privately. We made sure that no one will see other member's topics in order to keep it secured and private. 




Members must follow the forum instructions added on the top of the support forum, and they must use it in order to receive a fast response from the staff members. Our guests are more than welcome to use the contact us page or start a new topic on Site / Forum Feedback.


If you've any issue or request, don't be shy because we are here to help by using the support forum. Furthermore, if you've any new ideas or suggestions, we are here to hear them by using the Site / Forum Feedback forum.

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