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[expired] Tabbles 5 Basic 5.9.2


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Tabbles is a revolutionary new document management system built for the purpose of organizing and optimizing all kinds of files in your system. Tag files from your right-click menu in Windows and share data with your colleagues. Beyond the ability to place the same file into several tags, Tabbles enables describing the contents of the managed files, folders, and bookmarks. You can use the built-in auto-tagging rules give users the option to automatically tag any DOCX, XLSX or PDF file that contains the word "Contract" (yes, Tabbles search in the CONTENT of files too!), as well as any file created in the folder C:\Contracts that is named "_delivered_".

The suite also comes with an Outlook plugin (pre-installed) and a Chrome Extension that simplifies the task of tagging emails and bookmarks, creating a sort of a virtual sub-system! All of this works for files saved on your hard disk, a network drive or any file synchronization service like Dropbox or OneDrive.

Key features:

  • Tag files with multiple tags and find files based on what they're related to independent to their position on disk (can be shared with colleagues).
  • Add comments to files, in a chat-like fashion (can be shared with colleagues).
  • Auto-tag files based on their content, name or location or by pattern matching (regex).
  • Tag emails in Outlook.
  • Tag Bookmarks in Chrome (and other browsers, using the bookmarklet).

Please note: the license is provided for one year. You will get 3 licenses, each license is valid for 1 PC. The licenses won't work in the "Tabbles Cloud"



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System Requirements:

Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10


Tag Forge IVS



File Size:

70.1 MB

Licence details:





Download NowTabbles 5 Basic 5.9.2



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