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Changing initial view of (existing) PDF files


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I need to change how a pdf file opens (fit page, fit width, full screen, etc.).


I know that this is doable (in Acrobat and some other programs) upon creation of the pdf file(s), however I have some -already existing- pdf files that I need to modify (by setting the initial view options) so that they will open in a different view.


Hopefully some of my nsane friends here can suggest a tool to achieve this... Without involving Acrobat and possibly in batch ;) Mission impossible?


Thanks in advance :D


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The initial view of the PDF depends on how its creator set the document properties. For example, a document may open at a particular page or magnification.


Two conditions can affect page layout and zoom.

  1. Someone has already set an individual PDF to a different initial view in File > Properties.
  2. You have the option Restore Last View Settings When Reopening Documents selected in Edit > Preferences > Document category.


These links may answer your question. I am not very familiar with Adobe Reader nor do I do much with PDFs at all.



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Many thanks for the appreciated feedback, friend.


I am actually not an Adobe user myself: I handle all my pdf files with Foxit Phantom (viewer/editor), Master PDF Editor, i2pdf (to convert image files to pdf), Kingsoft Office (to create pdf files out of Office files).


Now I am looking for a program to change how (already created) pdf files open, namely in fit page, or in fit width, or in full screen, etc.


Any suggestions from any fellow members are most welcome :D


Thanks and all the best,





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16 hours ago, Archimede said:

I handle all my pdf files with Foxit Phantom (viewer/editor), Master PDF Editor, i2pdf (to convert image files to pdf), Kingsoft Office (to create pdf files out of Office files).

Assuming you have Business, Foxit PhantomPDF Business is all you really need.

Foxit PhantomPDF's Creator component (printer) actually does convert Office files and images to PDF so you don't need anything else.

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Thanks for the appreciated feedback, however as you probably read in the OP "I know that this is doable (in Acrobat and some other programs)..." I am aware of the capabilities of Foxit Phantom, which I have been happily using for many years, along with the other utilities that I indicated in my post.


Indeed, opening an existing pdf file with Foxit Phantom (and also with some other programs) it's possible to create a new pdf file with different view and zoom level but what I am looking for is a simpler and quicker way to do that, possibly in batch mode.


For you to get an idea, I would recommend you to test i2pdf (see link at the bottom)... A portable freeware gem with less than a half MB footprint... You drag and drop 1 or 100 image files, select the type of view, the compression, and BAM, you have the perfect pdf file.


I would love to have the same tool to handle pdf files in batch mode... Got my point? ;)


Thanks and have a great day :D



i2pdf (image to pdf) v1.0.46 -->> 32 and 64 bit versions available here: https://freeshell.de/~luis/i2pdf/

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I would love to have the same tool to handle pdf files in batch mode... Got my point? ;)


I haven't tried this with Foxit, but I know Nuance Power PDF have that. It's supports more than images too.





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9 hours ago, Bagels said:

I haven't tried this with Foxit


Hi friend, It's not with Foxit, it's with i2pdf (image to pdf) ;) give it a try, you will be surprised how quick and intuitive that tiny portable tool is.


Thanks for the tip and the link about Nuance Power PDF, I will definitely test it this weekend.


EDIT: I have tried downloading Nuance Power PDF but links are broken :( :( bummer !

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Just a short message to say THANK YOU to all the nsane friends who offered their valuable suggestions on this thread and to the ones who very actively contributed via PM :D


I am happy to confirm that THANKS to flash13 I have now finally found the application that best responds to my needs and actually does much more than that.


In case somebody else with similar requirements wishes to give it a spin, look no further than... ;)




Qoppa PDF Studio Pro


Homepage: https://www.qoppa.com/pdfstudio/



All the best :D




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