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Smart DNS Geolocalisation


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Hi guys,


I am looking for a very good SmartDNS, currently I am at SmartDNS Proxy, but I can no longer view DMAX.de

from France.   https://dmax.de/


Error Code: access.denied.geoblocked
Error Detail: Not permitted to watch video


I tested almost all the suppliers but none can manage to bypass geolocation. Any ideas?
I tested several VPN, does not work!

Thank you


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I'm using SmartDNS for the past idk 6-8 years  - just the DNS (VPN disabled because they are too easy to block)

.. Well, how bout using the Support-Form ? If you state the problem providing details,

they'll fix it right away.


From experience i can say this:  Stay with SmartDNS and if a Service glitches, don't go VPN ..

try changing the User-Agent and watch the submitted HEADER.

Also .. try the URL in Mobile -Browser (just DNS - no VPN) ;D




It's dmax.de problöem, because i get the same errors - from inside of germany

Look like the content-server gets handed invalid token from the site itself




In your backend under 'Regions' - ChannelGroup "B"

is the one you should mention to the Support, since "dmax.de" is listed there :D

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19 hours ago, nonspin said:

J'utilise SmartDNS depuis 6 à 8 ans - juste le DNS (VPN désactivé car ils sont trop faciles à bloquer)

.. Eh bien, comment utiliser le formulaire de support? Si vous indiquez le problème en fournissant des détails,

ils vont le réparer tout de suite.


Par expérience, je peux dire ceci: Restez avec SmartDNS et si un service ne fonctionne pas, n'allez pas VPN ..

essayez de changer l'agent utilisateur et regardez l'en-tête soumis.

Aussi .. essayez l'URL dans Mobile -Browser (juste DNS - pas de VPN); D




C'est dmax.de problöem, car j'obtiens les mêmes erreurs - de l'intérieur de l'Allemagne

On dirait que le serveur de contenu reçoit un jeton invalide du site lui-même




Dans votre backend sous 'Regions' - ChannelGroup "B"

est celui que vous devez mentionner au support, car "dmax.de" y est répertorié :RÉ

I use Smart DNS Proxy ( https://www.smartdnsproxy.com/ ) 

there is no channel group, only DNS addresses depending on the country

Thanks anyway

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Thank you for your answer, I know the different settings of SmartDNS Proxy, but the problem does not come from them, at DMAX they have modified the geolocation system, and therefore I can no longer view it. Until I find a parade !

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