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(Guide/Review) Superpaper is an advanced wallpaper app for Windows and Linux with unique features


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Superpaper is an advanced wallpaper app for Windows and Linux with unique features

Superpaper is an open source cross-platform program for managing wallpapers on Windows and Linux devices (Mac untested) that supports several unique features.


One of the main features of the application is the ability to span a single wallpaper image across multiple monitors even if these displays have different shapes and sizes.


Users who are interested in Superpaper need to download the latest version for their devices from the project website over on GitHub. Windows users have the choice between a portable version and installer.


Install the program or run the executable directly after the archive has been downloaded.




Superpaper detects all displays automatically and displays them in the interface. You can use the browse button to add as many wallpapers as you like to the program; these may then be used as desktop backgrounds based on the selected configuration.


The three main display modes that Superpaper supports are simple span, advanced span, and separate image for each display.


Simple span is the easiest as you get no configuration options, virtually. Select an image and it will be displayed on the devices. Advanced span adds configuration options to the display. You may override the detected sizes of the displays, adjust bezel sizes, or customize perspectives values.. The last display mode allows you to set different wallpapers for each display.


All configurations can be saved as profiles; useful if the device is connected to different monitor setups or if you want to use different wallpaper configurations.


One of the main features of Superpaper is the ability to span a single wallpaper across different kinds of displays. You can try simple span first but need to switch to advanced span if adjustments need to be made to correct bezel and perspective, and even set pixel offsets to fine tune the display further.


Superpaper supports wallpaper slideshows as well. You need to add multiple images to the program first and select the slideshow option afterwards. The slideshow can be controlled via hotkeys (Windows and Linux only), and you can set the delay in minutes as well as the order in the program interface.


The developer has tested the application under Windows and under several Linux desktop environments including Cinnamon, KDE, Mate, XFCE, and Gnome.

Closing Words

Superpaper is not the lightest applications (its executable has a size of 30 Megabytes on Windows) but it offers some unique features that may appeal the most to users who work on computers with multiple monitors. If you always thought that spanning a single wallpaper across multiple displays did not look all that good, e.g. because the displays offered different resolutions or had different shapes), then you might want to give it a try to see how it might improve that.


Landing Page: https://github.com/hhannine/superpaper



Source: Superpaper is an advanced wallpaper app for Windows and Linux with unique features (gHacks - Martin Brinkmann)

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