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CCleaner 5.66.7716


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1 hour ago, cyberloner said:

i personally suggest use older version..... latest ccleaner kinda a spy only

I think the same you my friend, since avast bought it it turned into shit.

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3 hours ago, click-click said:

The additional host entries got rid of everything except the last ip, which I added to the FW, but that did not seem to take care of it. Any idea why this and the telemetry/tracking events don't get blocked by the firewall?


Because each domain uses more than one IP address. For example, the www.ccleaner.com domain uses multiple IP addresses with wildcard format 151,101.*.202 (eg.,,,,,,,,, blocking only one static IP or several IPs with subnet range (CIDR) on the firewall will ultimately be ineffective.


CCleaner uses https://www.ccleaner.com/auto?a=0&p=cc&v=5.66.7716&l=blablabla to check the latest updated version. If the user doesn't use the latest version, a notification will appear to inform the update. All you need is to add www.ccleaner.com to your hosts file


# For CCleaner Free users
# Network Connectivity Check ncc.avast.com ncc.avast.com.edgesuite.net


# Telemetry & Tracker ipm-provider.ff.avast.com shepherd.ff.avast.com ip-info.ff.avast.com analytics.ff.avast.com


# CCleaner Update Check www.ccleaner.com www.piriform.com


# Addition for CCleaner Pro users with keygen, patch etc
# License Verification & Validation license.piriform.com alpha-crap-stage.ff.avast.com alpha-license-dealer-stage.ff.avast.com


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On 5/10/2020 at 3:42 AM, usro said:


Because each domain uses more than one IP address.


Thank you for the infos. Never used the hosts file before, so this was a very helpful learning process for me. I removed the firewall block since your hosts information seems to offer better control for ccleaner than the firewall. I don't see any connections now except that ccleaner connects/disconnects from my router now and then while it is active. Appreciate the help...


One more quick question - If the exe file is blocked in the firewall should it not block everything that the exe tries to connect to?  This doesn't seem to be the case though and was wondering why.

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10 hours ago, click-click said:

One more quick question - If the exe file is blocked in the firewall should it not block everything that the exe tries to connect to?  This doesn't seem to be the case though and was wondering why.


If a software cannot be blocked by a firewall then it uses a filtering module to direct traffic according to their own filtering module. Windows firewall cannot work properly with proxies, web filtering modules, NDIS and all related stuffs that can direct traffic from Windows Firewall to their own filtering modules.

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On 5/1/2020 at 10:40 PM, Actver said:

CCleaner Pro Activator


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/10378181/CCleanerProActivator.rar.html


CCleaner Updater

Update CCleaner without the need of reinstallation every update

works the same way as CCleaner updater but without license verification

Just run every update to update easily


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/10622420/CCleaner_Updater_v1.1_By_ActVer.zip.html

@Actver, your activator is showing me this. I've run this as admin too.


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7 hours ago, Duck334 said:

@Actver, your activator is showing me this. I've run this as admin too.


It could be antivirus or maybe because hosts file is set to read only.

You can manually add to your hosts file this entry license.piriform.com

Will solve this activator error.


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