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Software Collection Database.


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Hi, Can anybody recommend a software like "Movie Collectorz" etc but instead for software.

Ive been wanting a sort of library or front end for my software collection with which i can add stuff like meta-data either automatically or manually. Ive looked and various database software but non have been appropriate. Im looking for more of a media center but for software so that i can look though my library and have a link to the folder or archive containing installer etc.

Thnx, any recommendations are welcome :)

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I have not heard of anything like this.. and it is the reason I have given life to a file/folder structure in my archives which follows strict guidelines.. In fact I finished this up at the beginning of the month and was/am still putting on some finishing touches..( Revamp of the existing system with same idea.. but a refresh ) The only thing I could think of would be using a database like SQL, made maybe with Access/Excel 2010.. or something.. Then using a java application of some sort, create a web-based interface you could run in your browser, maybe use something like 'Cover Flow' or something with Software Boxes for each.. ( beyond my knowledge a bit..) but I am sure it could be done and maintained.. Like a store or Art Gallery with items to be sold...would probably be very resources intensive to some degree to run online.. BUT who knows.. and it would have to be something you did on your own or created .. and maintained in the database area...

You ever find something like this just let me know.. BUT in the meantime.. I am doubtful that you will find a software that allows you to edit metadata or file information on protected installers and software.. It would change way too much.. maybe even the hash checksum for the files.. I think my method and informed intuition on what your software will do and is is a better option.. and it also helps with Pack-Rat Syndrome.. Saving needless and countless versions and types of software that is not needed for yourself and even more that will become obsolete.. and no longer needed.. ( no to mention the mental fatigue created by trying to sort it out, keep it updated..and maintained [ those words are non-existent in PRS ] ) ...its good to stay on top of, have an organized system to the structure and to very aware of what you have. More than likely 9 out of 10 times of you don't remember what it is you can search for it and determine if you actually need it anymore.. or it was meaningless enough to not remember and has no purpose in your archive.. When I cleaned out mine .. just for this year.. I went through and check duplicates.. versions and all information..Checked for updates.. Started with main categories which correspond to my Start Menu sections and each one of those may again split into subcategories.. which contain folders with the parent company/corporation/author name..next would be main software name..inside will be a version number for the installation and its files.. If there are two versions then there is a need for the two versions..( Like two for two different OSes useful if you plan to upgrade or downgrade ) but I only keep one archive of the most up to date.. When I finished with my media, servers, coded pages, personal documents, mods and customizations.. and cleared out the junk.. Kept what I currently use..I had freed up upwards of 80 GB of space.. This was in part largely due to the fact that I erased all Vista related files folders and un-necessaries and allowed for Windows 7.. So I covered basically all major OSes.. and program installations for them..with their relative mods.. and differences.. All of it has to be thought through with objectivity and actually having those OSes installed and running helps as well..All easily navigated by hot-key..

But anyway.. IMO.. again.. LOL.. You find something let me know.. I'll give it a spin..( But I REALLY like what I have going-on right now )

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Come on heath28m - essays about how to this is not my thing :lol:

But I do feel obligated to read your posting through though (after such a silly comment I mean) :)

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Thnx for advice.

I too use a good folder structure and organization but im looking for a more eye candy way of catalouging stuff like the collectorz apps do but for software. Also when i reffer to meta-data im not specifically talking about changing installer properties/info etc but information within the database program itself that ties to the installer/archive file.

Im pretty sure that the exact software exists as its a very simple idea that im sure many people could do with, Its just been ball ache trying to locate it as im coming across various apps just nothing specific. The closest ive come across is Librarian pro which does to a extenet what i want ie catalog my library aswell as fetch date/info for specific program but its not quite what im looking for as its simply a database what im looking for also should be like a front-end for my collection.

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