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[HELP] Weird Bug in Windows 7 Music Folder

ESET Freak

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Guys I have a very weird bug here, I edited some songs with MP3Tag and after I save the tags, I discover that files in Music\<Album Name> are duplicated and they are found in the Music folder, I tried to delete them and the songs in Music\<Album Name> disappeared also! Is there anyway to get rid of these annoying duplicates? And what is causing all this?

MP3Tag users or anyone who got this "bug"


take a look at the "Music library", there's "a includes: 5 location", click on that and remove the folder names where the songs are from, hope I helped ^_^.

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Try it again .. and this time hit F5. This will refresh the file folder view and may allow you to actually view the finished product/versions.. if not then I would say yo may need to check the settings within the program carefully and make sure your not missing something.. If these files have DRM then you simply may not be able to do anything with them.. ( which is complete crap ) .. and you may have to use another program or Windows itself to edit the tags.. All of my music is non-commercial so I don't really see this problem and when I do, I edit them using Windows.. In the past I have simply relied on WMP to fill in the information... ( but we know how so much is either not properly documented or non-existent.. so that was when I relied on ... Windows Explorer > Properties ..

Anyway not to sure about this but I would check those things to make sure.. Sometimes Windows Explorer is very slow to update.. especially when files are being changed.. ( with VSS all of them have to be duplicated as well in some cases and put into an area to be recovered if necessary )

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It's not DRM-protected, and checked everything. It appears that the original copy is still in the folder, the duplicates in the Music folder is somehow linked to the original files, whatever changes I did to either files affects both of them, in the Music folder and the album folder. When I delete the one in the music folder, the one in the other folder gets deleted and vice versa. I tried to move the duplicates to the album folder and it tells me that the files are in the same directory, I really got no idea how to remove the duplicates, anyone able to help?

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It appears Mp3Tag is creating Hard links, rather than actually renaming them. It might have to do with permissions or other settings within Windows, you should go to their(Mp3Tag) forum and talk to them about this issue, they should know more about it.

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So how am I suppose to fix this


Here is what I'm trying to say


I tried to delete it and the one in the actual folder gets deleted too... Guys I really need help here!

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Well I think that is why Shought mentions gong to the main forum for the program..You may find out if this is a known issue with the program or if there is a way to stop the program from doing this.. He also mentions about your personal settings in Windows itself..( if you simply deleted it your can restore from the Recycle Bin..BTW ) Check and make sure your files are not Read-Only... and make sure you have permissions to edit them.. May also see if you get the same result trying to rename one using WMP.. if so then its going to be something in Windows and not the program or a bug.. Narrowing it down to the exact cause would help in being able to more precisely approach the issue and present a place to start..

After running quickly through the forum, it doesn't seem to be a reported aspect of the program but a better search on your own my render better results..

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1. I know I can restore files from the recycle bin.

2. I went to the forums before I seek help to remove the duplicates.

3. About the Read-Only, I googled about that earlier and it doesn't works.

4. It has got nothing to do with permissions, MP3Tag made a "link" to the original files and the duplicates will show as long as the same files (same checksum) are in the folder Music\All I Ever Wanted. I found a workaround this by renaming it to "All I Ever Wantedz" and the duplicates are gone. But that's just a temporary workaround and I need a real fix.

5. If I knew what settings it is I won't be here.

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Guys! I finally figured out how to solve it!

It's not MP3Tag's fault, it's Windows 7's. Anyone got the same problem please read the first post for instructions (apparently I'm the only who got this "bug" I guess)!

Mods sorry but Firefox won't let me edit my post, it gives me some error, dunno why.

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