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[Solved] Win 7 problem updating KB files


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I'm on Win 7 (x64) and I had done the KURWICA "fix" at the end of last year.

This worked fine and I manually downloaded and installed Security updates

in Feb and March.

Today when I tried to install the new files (KB4550905 (x64) IE11 Security update,

KB4550964 (x64) Monthly Rollup, and KB4550965 (x64) Security update, they wouldn't

install...I get the error message in the screenshot attached.

I clicked on the link in the error message and it leads to Microsoft's download page

where it advises installing the file KB2533552 to update the Windows Module Installer,

but I already have that KB installed.

Has MS undone the "fix"?


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Over at MDL, there's BypassESU v5 that seems to work. An earlier "fix" was "KB4528069-Lite". I have that one installed and was able to update today. Last month I had a similar error message (I don't know if it was the same one). I installed kb4550735 (servicing stack update) and then it worked.

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1 hour ago, Whoopenstein said:

Over at MDL, there's BypassESU v5 that seems to work. An earlier "fix" was "KB4528069-Lite". I have that one installed and was able to update today. Last month I had a similar error message (I don't know if it was the same one). I installed kb4550735 (servicing stack update) and then it worked.

Whoopie   Whoopenstein!! I decide on your third option and I downloaded/installed KB4550735....then I was able to install KB4550965 and KB4550905...and no error message!!

Many thanks for your quick reply and the solution....you will receive your reward in heaven!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Topic solved.

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Win7-Ent.x64 here.
I also installed kb4550735 (servicing stack update), which enabled install of KB4550964 (x64) Monthly Rollup (which I downloaded from MS KB).
When the computer restarted, a message appeared "Windows update has failed. Reverting back changes. Do not turn off your computer."
  I feel fortunate the system recovered.
WinDefender updates regularly.
  Are more updates supposed to be available?

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20 minutes ago, jabrwky said:

Win7-Ent.x64 here.
I also installed kb4550735 (servicing stack update), which enabled install of KB4550964 (x64) Monthly Rollup (which I downloaded from MS KB).
When the computer restarted, a message appeared "Windows update has failed. Reverting back changes. Do not turn off your computer."
  I feel fortunate the system recovered.
WinDefender updates regularly.
  Are more updates supposed to be available?

Don't know. I only install the security only updates. Do you have a fix installed? Go to MDL and log in/make an account to see the forum for BypassESU

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KB4550965 (x64) Security update

13 minutes ago, jabrwky said:

Win7-Ent.x64 here.
I also installed kb4550735 (servicing stack update), which enabled install of KB4550964 (x64) Monthly Rollup (which I downloaded from MS KB).
When the computer restarted, a message appeared "Windows update has failed. Reverting back changes. Do not turn off your computer."
  I feel fortunate the system recovered.
WinDefender updates regularly.
  Are more updates supposed to be available?

jabrwky,.....I installed:-

1) KB4550735 Servicing Stack Update (as suggested by Whoopenstein in answer to my post)

2) KB4550965 (x64) Security Only update

3) KB4550905 Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer: April 14, 2020

4) KB4550964 (x64) Monthly Rollup

They all installed normally and I rebooted...everything good, no problems.

The error message I was getting said I needed to update the Windows Modules Installer, so I went searching on

Microsoft's pages and I saw they mentioned the error message that you have quoted in your post.

I've been trying to find that Microsoft page for you but I visited a lot.

The nearest I can remember is this link:-https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/search?query=kb update error message Win7

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What people need to know is that service stack update is needed so that next updates (security only and Monthly rollup) can be installed, without service stack update installed, they won't be able to install security only update or monthly rollup.


One more thing, it's not necessary to install security only update and Rollup Monthy update, either you install security only + IE update or Rollup Monthly update + IE update (if you use IE) because Monthly rollup already contains the necessay update fixes

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I read somewhere that even if you don't use IE, you want to do the security updates because of the way it's embedded into the OS.

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19 minutes ago, Whoopenstein said:

I read somewhere that even if you don't use IE, you want to do the security updates because of the way it's embedded into the OS.


i meant the update security related to IE. If members don't use IE so it's not needed.

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Yesterday I installed kb4550735 (servicing stack update) as per Whoopenstein's suggestion. This a.m., I had no wifi connection.
I reinstalled the wireless card drivers--still no wifi. Uninstalled kb4550735. No wifi, so restored the system to before the update.
  Jan. & Feb., all was good--cumulative updates & security updates installed from WU.

KURWICA  was installed beginning of Jan. 2020. I'm a little freaked out by losing internet, and the scary rollback messages, tbh.
  Thank-you for all the help. Not really sure where to go with this next. 🤪

The message of white-knuckled panic:
"Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes."

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4 minutes ago, jabrwky said:

Yesterday I installed kb4550735 (servicing stack update) as per Whoopenstein's suggestion. This a.m., I had no wifi connection.
I reinstalled the wireless card drivers--still no wifi. Uninstalled kb4550735. No wifi, so restored the system to before the update.
  Jan. & Feb., all was good--cumulative updates & security updates installed from WU.

KURWICA  was installed beginning of Jan. 2020. I'm a little freaked out by losing internet, and the scary rollback messages, tbh.
  Thank-you for all the help. Not really sure where to go with this next. 🤪

The latest SSU for Win7 is "2020-04 Servicing Stack Update for Windows 7 (KB4550738)"

I think BypassESU v5 is an update to the original KURWICA fix.  Yeah, if you're going to try it again I'd definitley make a restore point and just install the security only patches. The quality rollup might have messed with wifi driver.

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Thanks @Whoopenstein.
I'll follow abbodi's instructions after imaging the system.
  Many thanks to Abbodi (MDL) for this update. 👍
Got it sorted. Win7 is :)) again!

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