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[REQUEST] Duplicate File Eraser 2.1 (Open Source)


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I found great software from Fatih Kodak who seems for me died somewhere somehow. He left as Open Source utilities. Unfortunately his latest renovated "Duplicate File Eraser" jumped from 2.0.2 to 2.1 and during the jump it have big problem. The interface is renovated completely, but the playlist window is the same and... contain wrong list on load! This is the last version at all. No more update come. So, the issue to reproduce:
Create two folders called "111" and "222". Copy 10 files. Paste in folder "111". Paste the same content in folder "222". Run DFE and load these folders. Scan. Choose duplicated files. It will select duplicated files in mess order - from folder "111" and folder "222" instead of only folder "222". EXAMPLE:

It should be:
Folder2 - checked


Folder2 - checked


Folder2 - checked


Instead you see:
Folder2 - checked


Folder1 - checked (wrong)


Folder2 - checked


Folder2 - checked


Folder1 - checked (wrong)
and so on...!

As you see in that state it chose wrong duplicated files from different random folders, instead from one folder! The previous version 2.0.2 was perfect. The Open Source file you can download from Softpedia together with app and the archive contain the source. His website via ZeroNet seems for me kind of backup, but nobody have access to the files.

All files of both software (old and new) is HERE - required for compare the changes between and same data code.
I know this would be hard work, but there is no other possible way to keep it alive in new interface. So sad.
I have already prepared AIO repack with both versions optional install. But i found later this ugly bug. 

I will be very grateful for the work.

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Moved from Coder's Corner.


Requests for Open Source software is better here.


@BTJB  A Google search for "duplicate file eraser 2.0.2" (without the quotes, of course) gets some hits.

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Thank you Kaarlston for approving the topic of BTJB.


did you find the source of version 2.0.2  ?

The application was written in PureBasic language.

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is this the problem you are facing, and this result is before clicking on 'Select duplicates'


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11 minutes ago, tonyblair said:

did you find the source of version 2.0.2  ?

The application was written in PureBasic language.


Yes. All sources are inside archive in my description. Just download and you will find all you need for both versions. 

2 minutes ago, tonyblair said:

is this the problem you are facing, and this result is before clicking on 'Select duplicates'


 Yep. That is right. Hope there would be solution from someone, maybe you, your friend or who you know. :dunno:

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The result I showed you above was achieved by an executable (.exe) I got after I compiled the source of the version 2.1

I didn't use the exe in your zip files.


ps: in your zip files , you find only the version 2.1 source, not the 2.0.2  version.

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10 minutes ago, tonyblair said:

ps: in your zip files , you find only the version 2.1 source, not the 2.0.2  version.

Wow! I wasn't able to find the old source. Strange, I thought it is insight. Bad for us. Will continue to looking.


31 minutes ago, tonyblair said:


The application was written in PureBasic language.

Is it bad for your know-how? I am still looking for 2.0.2 source. Maybe it wasn't available once.

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About the language, I am more acquited to C++ or Delphi. But don't worry PureBasic is not a big deal. I learn fast lol

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2 minutes ago, BTJB said:

@tonyblair unfortunately there is no Open Source for previous releases. I found this and 2.0 also haven't source: https://duplicate-file-eraser.software.informer.com/versions/


The hope is the last.

No problem , I will do without.

The idea was to win time and solve the problem quickly.

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It is late where I am, I need to sleep.

Tomorrow I will continue on your request.

Good night.

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I am debugging the program. more news later.


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Here is my actual findings:


The program execute these tasks consequently :


1- List the directories the user added

2- checks there existence

3- cheksif they are empty

4- list all the files in the first directory (name and size) 

5- fill a structure X with these datas ( see my picture posted above)

6- list all the files in the second directory (name and size)

7- APPEND THESE DATAS IN THE SAME structure X  IN A RANDOM WAY        <------------------------- HERE IS THE BUG






As you can see in this picture , some files from the second directories were saved in the structure above their copy in the first directory


Then when processed the above order remain , and some \222\*.* files will be shown above their copies in \111\*.*


Now compare the two pictures and you will understand the bug.

I hope that my explanations are not confusing.







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After a first attempt to cure the bug programmtically (I like this PureBasic language :snack:)


here is the first result :

not bad I think




is this what you asked for BTJB?

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I made the modification and recompiled .

without testing everything in the program.

Please find below the executable result. I renamed the version to 2.1.1 in the about popup window.








Site: https://mega.nz

Sharecode: /file/CT4lUKjA#vPPGkzZ8kxwyYVLZJGW9_7BfaxtuVi5MFcVZWolX0P8

pw: nsane


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I am ready to update, correct other bugs or modify the program at will.

Just ask!


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I am so sorry for my late @tonyblair! Amazing you fixed the bug! It looks perfect! Everything is fine and the version of the App too! The big mystery is how you recompile to significantly large size? Is it in raw unpacked without compression? The icon is missing also. Good to prepare version x86. A heartfelt thank you! :wub: :beg:

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happy to see you back online, I was worried in these times of confinement.

I will do the necessary modifications you need .

so find here a version with

1-the missed icon.

2- some colors for the background


Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode: /file/PKphRYoI#_e84mn74gReBwiuyNAeuNL7W5H3SFJXffnia3HtTYI8
pw : nsane








to recompile for the x86 , I have to find the appropriate compiler. I will let you know

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9 hours ago, BTJB said:

I am so sorry for my late @tonyblair! Amazing you fixed the bug! It looks perfect! Everything is fine and the version of the App too! The big mystery is how you recompile to significantly large size? Is it in raw unpacked without compression? The icon is missing also. Good to prepare version x86. A heartfelt thank you! :wub: :beg:

About the size :

Yes the original was packed with UPX

My version is raw unpacked.



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HERE IS THE 32bits version I compiled :


version x86
Site: https://mega.nz

Sharecode:     /file/SfQTCCYD#SM1yRebMO_i9rOgtPCRqPS9vQYPCc8E3Kdi_cMriObQ
pw : nsane


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No problem I will do that.

I know colors are very subjective.

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HERE IS THE 32bits version in default colors  ( I compiled):


Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode: /file/DPBhSIBK#t7cSx6K2JAgPrM-PmcAsxN9vqw16ZD5pL_gfyTiVBWQ

pw : nsane


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HERE IS THE 64bits version in default colors  ( I compiled):


Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode: /file/DLYFwIZR#w9tgYMOGTfDb9_2MzlPvQ14LA6KG-O0KzMAP4Rj6HUo
pw : nsane


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Our sweet @tonyblair god bless you for the help! Happiness will return to you if there is a people like You! Thanks for all effort and noble gesture! :sun: Which reminds me of a balloon tale. I am especially grateful, without your help there would be no happiness! I wish you all the best!

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