Igor Posted April 2, 2020 Share Posted April 2, 2020 Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 (free protection for 6 months) You get an extended 180-day Kaspersky Security free trial for Microsoft Office 365 Protect remote work with 6-month free protection for Microsoft Office 365. Quote: Remote work now mandatory for many, including those who have never even considered it before. IT leaders around the world need to respond quickly to support remote workers and providing them with cybersecurity. Many are turning to collaboration solution based on Microsoft Office 365, and if the package is for you, we are here to help you. To support remote work during this difficult time, we will offer free protection for 6 months from the most recent version of Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365. This extends protection for SharePoint Online and Microsoft teams, ensuring the safety of all collaboration channels and messaging in Microsoft Office. 365. Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Office 365 uses advanced heuristics, machine learning, and other next-generation technologies to protect your processes communicate and collaborate from extortion, malicious attachments, spam, phishing attacks (including compromise of the business address) and unknown threats. https://cloud.kaspersky.com/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTjJNMU5qVmpOVE16TmpNMyIsInQiOiJBd0hcL0lLQ0xvN3cwTW1xKzVYRzJISFA4YVdwK2pTcEhzRDhQQ1JaMEE5eWkxZ2tNendtaWZheDllVFJCTlB6Rzd5eThQN0ZOZzl0Q3ZVa2NVa3FoRDhMSk40blRVdGE3a0tHSWFBSXZ6ZWJLMGJOcDEybkR0eVVKXC9lRGU5VGV3cmc5SkpNdjJieXpmU3FCdzBwdDlZdz09In0%3D&logonContext=RmaJca8gIYbd9e2b_7VWIU8GZz7o7oWJkFpOJMq7lY6HhjmSOUyhDc5FAc6DuASC4JW9BPmmFCMIC3y3aZGk7wNzh0VXMmLnx6gsO1Kp_evVW4RjOqaV0QzfLSNnnWk10StP2xROjXmi81ajIsMjLsKCBz85rkPduoeUmSp7dvg1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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