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ZenMate VPN giving away FREE accounts


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To help fight boredom during the COVID-19 quarantine ZenMate's giving away as many FREE VPN accounts as we can

The recent Coronavirus outbreak has made things tough, to say the least, for most people in Europe, the U.S., parts of Asia and parts of South America.

you can use proxy for them

The rapidly increasing number of infected patients and deaths among the elderly made us think that every one of us should help out as much as we can.

The tricky part is that, at least for the moment, limiting social interactions might be the only effective measure to prevent the rapid spread of the virus.

So how can you help someone while respecting the limited social interaction recommendation?

Well, we at ZenMate VPN thought we can try to make people's lives a little bit easier by expanding entertainment options and securing internet experiences during the outbreak.

That's why right now, we're giving away as many ZenMate VPN accounts for free as we can, to everyone living in the affected countries*.

Get ZenMate VPN







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13 minutes ago, ppu said:

I don't see any giveaway option in the website. It only leads to buying the VPN and 6 Months free

 use vpn 

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i maked 2 account here from Italy, but everytime i try to log in i have password error, what a shame ...

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Guess it's over already.  Forwards to main page and offer that requires you to pay. VPN'ed both US and UK.

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Yes it worked, but you have to select German VPN in order to create a free trial account with full features.



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I've created a free account and YES it's literally FREE (free plan :( ) and Yes I did use a VPN connected to a German server


Here is the message when I login:


You are using ZenMate Free!
Confirm your email & start your free trial now


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2 hours ago, HungUT said:

Sign-in on the web works. I can't sign-in on the app for Windows.


I have same problem too. can not sign in..

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12 hours ago, ppu said:

I don't see any giveaway option in the website. It only leads to buying the VPN and 6 Months free


I think they tried to sell vpn for 2.22$ to most people though normal price has been 1.75$ for months before that latest "giveaway".

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after getting my activation email, installing and logging in, it shows a 30-day trial for me.  Was it because I was too late?


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