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AV-Comparatives Whole Product Dynamic Test


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Dynamic Test

The goal of this Whole Product Dynamic Test is to compare the protection offered by various security solutions, by testing them under real-world conditions. There has been a lot of talk in the past years about such tests and their value for home users. Some issues related to these tests are that they are very expensive to perform (due to the time and personnel required) and difficult to replicate. Nonetheless, such tests are very important and show the ability of the various security products to protect the users against malware.

Source: av-comparatives.org

test results pdf

** Symantec and Kaspersky both got advanced+ rating (3 stars)

** Avira, Microsoft, Avast, G data, F-Secure, ESET and Bitdefender got advanced rating (2 stars)

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That for this post.

At least ESET is mentioned here in this study (unlike the AV-Test.Org Real world malware test). Hmmm, Symantec and Kaspersky are rated Advanced+, while ESET, Avira, Microsoft, and Avast are second-tier with only an Advanced rating.

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THX for the post.

Well, looking at the 2 tests (this and the av-test.org) you see some similarity - at least at the TOP.

Nice results for Avast and Microsoft (ahead of ESET and multi-engine AVs - F-secure/GDATA)

I think strange they test Avast V5 (still beta). Maybe is Avast option.

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First no AV will or can offer 100% security. No Norton, Avast, Avira or ESET. Each of them have it's advantages and disadvantages.

In some test this would come ahead on another that would come ahead.

All we have to select is the AV that suits ourself the most.

Like ESET. I know ESET has its disadvantages, I have even faced a lot of them. But lets not forget that it's light on system as compared to the others. And it's always been on the higher rankings. So ESET suits me.

Any AV listed on this test that has got A or A+ would do the job for you. Anyone can miss one or two that others wont. It all depends how do you use it and what are your needs.

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