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[eBook] Hands-On Dark Web Analysis - Mac & PC


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The overall world wide web is divided into three main areas - the Surface Web, the Deep Web, and the Dark Web. The Deep Web and Dark Web are the two areas which are not accessible through standard search engines or browsers. It becomes extremely important for security professionals to have control over these areas to analyze the security of your organization.

This book will initially introduce you to the concept of the Deep Web and the Dark Web and their significance in the security sector. Then it will deep dive into installing operating systems and Tor Browser for privacy, security and anonymity while accessing them. During the course of the book, you will learn some best practices which will be useful in using the tools for best effect.

By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience working with the Deep Web and the Dark Web for security analysis.


  • Features
  • Understand the concept of Dark Net and Deep Web
  • Use Tor to extract data and maintain anonymity
  • Develop a security framework using Deep web evidences







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