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Nero MediaHome 2020 Standard


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Nero MediaHome – The heart of your multimedia world!

Bring an end to time-consuming searches for your vacation photos, favorite movies, or music hits. With Nero MediaHome you can control your digital life. Whether music, photo, or video, whether on your PC or mobile device: Nero MediaHome is the universal media center for archiving, organizing, creating, and playing back your files.


Give your multimedia files a home: Send photos and movies to your PC wirelessly from your iOS or Android mobile device and by USB from external hard drives or memory sticks. Import music files or rip music from audio CDs and – thanks to Gracenote ® technology – even include original album art. With items archived in clearly arranged categories such as date, faces, places, favorites or personal tags, you can now find all your media even more quickly. You can even connect directly to Windows Media ® Player and iTunes ® media libraries.


Got all your media in one place? Then it’s a good time to quickly make things even better than they were before. Refine photos with automated tools and a variety of effects, create slide shows from photos and videos, and enhance them with music, movie design templates, and opening and closing credits. Create music playlists or entire albums including photos or videos.


Use the streaming functions of Nero MediaHome and simply play your photos, slide shows, videos, and music to your Smart TV. Use the Nero Streaming Player App for your iOS and Android device as a remote control for your Nero media library and play everything wirelessly on your living room TV.

And the best thing: You can access your entire media archive, sorted by you. Finally, it’s easy to find whatever you’re looking for!


Play, music, photos, slide shows, and movie files. The improved and free Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync App ensures that you can exchange and play files wirelessly between iOS and Android devices and your media center. This means you can always access your favorite files, both at home and on the go.





Terms and Conditions

  • This is a 1-computer lifetime license, for noncommercial use
  • You get free updates for the same major version
  • No free tech support
  • You must redeem the license key before this offer has ended
  • May not be resold

Technical Details

  • Developed by Nero
  • Version is v2020 Standard
  • Download size is 319 MB
  • Supports Windows 7, 8/8.1, and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)


Giveaway link :








License Key: xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx



The download link for Nero MediaHome 2020 is provided to you above. Your license key for Nero MediaHome 2020 is also given above. Download and install Nero MediaHome 2020 and then register it with your license key. You can register by launching NERO START AND OPEN CONTROL CENTER, clicking ADD, and then entering the giveaway license key in the field provided. Make sure you are connected to the Internet. Click NEXT to confirm and the license key should automatically be displayed on the list. Next, open MediaHome via Programs List > Nero 2020 > Nero MediaHome. It should automatically load the full registered version. If the license failed to register, it should prompt you to access Nero Start first and add the license/serial key there. That's it!

Note: The installer for Nero MediaHome 2020 may contain other Nero programs and features that are not part of this giveaway. If you try to use those programs or features, they will only be a trial. This giveaway gives you full access to MediaHome features only.


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