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win 10 start menu blank when doing search, how to fix??


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when you click on the start button in windows 10 it brings up all your programs etc.., works fine for me here but when i start to type in "excel" to find excel program the menu goes blank as pictured.

it has done it since the last windows 10 update, i have restarted it, same thing, anyone know how to fix this? its a pain in the butt trying to find things without the search working.


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12 minutes ago, wozzzzza said:

when you click on the start button in windows 10 it brings up all your programs etc.., works fine for me here but when i start to type in "excel" to find excel program the menu goes blank as pictured.

it has done it since the last windows 10 update, i have restarted it, same thing, anyone know how to fix this? its a pain in the butt trying to find things without the search working.


Did you try to uninstall last Windows update to see if it fix the problem?

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ok cool. i just ended the cortana task, it started itself again and menu started working. no idea why a restart never fixed it.

thanks for that info.

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14 minutes ago, wozzzzza said:

ok cool. i just ended the cortana task, it started itself again and menu started working. no idea why a restart never fixed it.

thanks for that info.


If you like privacy then Cortana is not recommended anyway. :coolwink:

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20 hours ago, Kalju said:

@wozzzzza There was no such problem before this update and there is no such problem after this update installed.

Therefore, this problem has nothing to do with this update. This all is Your damaged computer problem.


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Do you know that each computer has its own hardware and that a Windows update can affect one computer and not another? If your computer is not affected it doesn't mean that another cannot be.

Take a look here, master:



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This win 10 is shit crap.. full of mess


2 weeks back some of its crap update screw my system..

network connection failed to detect..

freezes start menu and after that even pc was not booting

Bios screwed up



This win10 should be BANNED.. most worst OS EVER... even vista was btetter than this.. atleast it was final version with hardly any issues


rolled back to win 7... AWESOMEEE os ever






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44 minutes ago, Kalju said:

You know very well that I know nothing.
Of course, I was just born yesterday and I will never reach your knowledge level.


Don't despair, it's never too late to learn ☺️

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19 minutes ago, Kalju said:


Really interesting. This kind of idea comes to Your head, that computers can be different, but it doesn't come never to mind that not all people are equal. Everyone just doesn't have the same abilities.
That's why you have to accept that you're smart and I'm not. I just don't have such an ability to become so smart as You.
But as smart as You are, haven't You come to the point of deviating from the subject and began again insulting people personally for their abilities?

Maybe this should not be the case, though?

You seem to forget who began insulting people personally for their abilities ☺️


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  • 3 weeks later...

I had similar problem after using the powershell command to remove all the bloatware apps my start menu wouldnt even launch

I tried classic shell but i didnt like to look of it so i just reformatted.

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here from our Friends Deskmodder.de


This Help

Search in the Windows 10 taskbar is currently not working [Workaround] (5.02.)

Posted by w-karp »05.02.2020, 18:55
Hi there,

the problem is old hat for Microsoft and for Windows 10. Here is the solution to this problem.

Microsoft has a PowerShell script called ResetWindowsSearchBox.ps1 that you can run. However, some preliminary work is required because the script itself does not go through so easily. You have to deactivate the protection policy first. And so it goes:

Download the ResetWindowsSearchBox.ps1 from Microsoft (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/100295)

Start Windows Key + X and PowerShell as administrator

Enter the command "Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" and press Enter and confirm with Y for Yes

Right click on the ResetWindowsSearchBox.ps1 and execute with PowerShell. Confirm only M for once in the selection.

Once everything has been deleted it says "Done"

Now enter the command "Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Restricted" and press Enter and confirm with Yes.

This activates the protection again so that no scripts can be executed without your permission.




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