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Vikings - NTG and Amrap - different edits not just cut scenes!


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Just watched Vikings Ep 610 and by chance noticed at least one major edit difference between the Amrap and NTG posts - not just cut scenes but a completely different edit! Initially I grabbed the Amrap ep as that was posted a while before the Ntg one, but later grabbed the NTG one too due to the Amrap looking a bit too green in the blacks. The Amrap ep's have a previously on start, so actual ep timings differ.


In the Ntg offering, just after Bjorn says 'yes, but they don't usually mean it' at approx 3.03 where there is a discussion between King Harald, Bjorn, etc, in the amrap ep  King Olaf gets up (lips don't move) and it cuts to the beach scene with Bjorn giving his little speech, whilst in the Ntg version @ 2.35 King Olaf says 'King Harald' and gets up and makes a speech of nearly a minute and then it cuts to the beach scene with Bjorn but Bjorn's words start early over the preceding scene (so, not just a 'chop' something out but completely different edit) as Bjorns audio starts many seconds earlier over a different bit of video!


Only discovered this by accident and by chance the above scene was the comparison so I noticed the different edit, I wonder how much this and other eps posted by the two groups, differ due to where the broadcast comes from. I expect some edit difference mostly due to swearing, nudity or length but not a major edit difference for a normal style of scene.


Edit - ignoring the 'previously' bit, it seems the NTG version from opening credit to end is almost 2 minutes longer - so not just chops but a completely different edit in post.


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Interesting to know. Is there anything to indicate where AMRAP sourced the episode?

I typically go for the Amazon sourced episodes of Vikings e.g. NTB.

When it comes to movies I believe Amazon releases them at a higher bitrate than Apple so I opt for TV episodes from Amazon in the hope I get better quality there also.

At least I know there will be no burned in channel logo or ads.


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No idea of the source, but not Amrap's fault as they went with what they had. Now I know to look out for major differences as it seems some broadcasts are majorly edited at source to alter duration in major ways (in this case, a whole scene lifted and editing taking place around the cut and there is 1 minute more less episode to count for besides that!). I sometimes grabbed the Amrap to have the previous bit, but not anymore :)

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