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Building a Computer from Scratch


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Ok guys, I need some opinions on here about what components I should get for my Desktop computer. I will mainly be using this computer for Photoshop, using it to run to run a D.A.W (Digital Audio workstation) and plugging in an audio interface for my mini studio at home. I did do some research but I know a lot of you on here are superior to me in technology. People like Mara, Box, Shought, Lite, and many others. I have always use Intel as a processor because I don't know a lot about AMD. I would like to keep this thing $1,350 or below. What would be the ideal setup? Thank a lot guys.

Computer Case: ???

Processor & Cooling fan:??


Graphic Card:??

Soundcard: ??


Fans/Liquid cooling: ??

Memory: ??

HDD: ???

Optional HD: ???

Extra stuff: ??

P.S. Firewire is important too especially for my audio interface and I'm going with Windows 7.

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Computer Case: Cooler Master cm690. Got it myself, enough space and has a lot of fan space.

Processor & Cooling fan: Would be an i7 for your photoshop rendering and audio stuff.

Motherboard: One that's i7 capable. (am not so familiar with the i7 mobo's srry)

Graphic Card: Go with a DX 11 one. Maybe the ATI 5770? or if you want to go a bit higher the ATI 5870 ;)

Soundcard: This would be the Creative X-Fi Titanium, a friend of mine got it and I just love the sound it produces.

Powersupply: Any A-Quality would be good. OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W would be enough.

Fans/Liquid cooling: Fans, use the standard fans that come with the case and the stock coller of your CPU.

Memory: 4/6 GB OCZ (Maybe the OCZ 4 GB DDR2-800 Kit ?)

HDD: Personal choice ;)

Extra stuff: DVD, just pick one :lol:

Dunno how the prices are at the place where you live, so it's hard to say how much it would cost there.

In holland, this would be a 1000-1500 euro system.

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First lets start with your priorities:

You say you're going to use it for Photoshop and a D.A.W.

Invest in:

Fast CPU: Intel Core i5, i7 920, AMD Phenom II should do the trick. BTW stock cooler will also be enough.

Audio Components: Speakerset, Sound card (perhaps Asus Xonar ?)

Also on Memory and motherboard.

You may cut back on:

Graphics card, somehing like a Radeon 5750 or 5770 is good enough.

Powersupply, and by that i mean: still choose a good brand, but less power, about 400W / 500W max !

Liquid cooling won't be necesarry, unless you get overclocking fever !

Going on...

HDD: I've had good experiences with the latest Seagate Barracuda 12 series. Samsung Spinpoints are also good I hear.

Case: A nice Cooler Master or Antec, or if you want more maybe a Lian-Li

Fans: Until now I've always used Cooler Master 12cm fans (black and blue led) Got nothing to complain about them ^_^

ODD: Doesn't really matter, pretty much everything's the same. Samsung SH-223B, BTW do you want blu ray ?

If you install a lot of fans, you might wan't to consider buying a fan controller.

I assumed you already have a monitor, mouse and keyboard. As you see I didn't give specific products, as everyone has a different opinion on certain products. In some cases I only mentioned the products I myself had good experiences with.

And about AMD & Intel.

AMD: more value for money (bang 4 buck)

Intel: Performance (if you want the best)

Here a couple of brands I recommend:

Motherboard: Asus, Gigabyte, Foxconn

Memory: Kingston, OCZ, Corsair

PSU: Zalman, Corsair, Cooler Master, OCZ

Case: Cooler Master, Antec, Lian-Li

HDD: Samsung, Western Digital, Seagate

With a budget of about $1300 you should be able to put a decent system together. Or I might be wrong, everything here's in euro's :P

PS: My bad for the PSU. DAW systems use a bit more than I thought ;)

Indeed go about 700 W

And as a monitor: Something like a nice 19" Samsung, Acer, HP, NEC monitor perhaps ?

Keyboard and mouse don't really matter: I still like me trusty old Logitech Media keyboard and my Sweex Laser mouse :P

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Besides FireWire, maybe you should also have an eSATA port on your PC for the fastest transfer speed to and from an external hard disk drive (that has an eSATA connection).

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Computer Case: Cooler Master cm690. Got it myself, enough space and has a lot of fan space.

Processor & Cooling fan: Would be an i7 for your photoshop rendering and audio stuff.

Motherboard: One that's i7 capable. (am not so familiar with the i7 mobo's srry)

Graphic Card: Go with a DX 11 one. Maybe the ATI 5770? or if you want to go a bit higher the ATI 5870 ;)

Soundcard: This would be the Creative X-Fi Titanium, a friend of mine got it and I just love the sound it produces.

Powersupply: Any A-Quality would be good. OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W would be enough.

Fans/Liquid cooling: Fans, use the standard fans that come with the case and the stock coller of your CPU.

Memory: 4/6 GB OCZ (Maybe the OCZ 4 GB DDR2-800 Kit ?)

HDD: Personal choice ;)

Extra stuff: DVD, just pick one :lol:

Dunno how the prices are at the place where you live, so it's hard to say how much it would cost there.

In holland, this would be a 1000-1500 euro system.

DDR2 on MB's designed for i7 is just not possible I'm afraid. The X58 supports tripple channel DDR3 memory and P55 is running on dual channel DDR3 memory.

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Computer Case: Cooler Master cm690. Got it myself, enough space and has a lot of fan space.

Processor & Cooling fan: Would be an i7 for your photoshop rendering and audio stuff.

Motherboard: One that's i7 capable. (am not so familiar with the i7 mobo's srry)

Graphic Card: Go with a DX 11 one. Maybe the ATI 5770? or if you want to go a bit higher the ATI 5870 ;)

Soundcard: This would be the Creative X-Fi Titanium, a friend of mine got it and I just love the sound it produces.

Powersupply: Any A-Quality would be good. OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W would be enough.

Fans/Liquid cooling: Fans, use the standard fans that come with the case and the stock coller of your CPU.

Memory: 4/6 GB OCZ (Maybe the OCZ 4 GB DDR2-800 Kit ?)

HDD: Personal choice ;)

Extra stuff: DVD, just pick one :lol:

Dunno how the prices are at the place where you live, so it's hard to say how much it would cost there.

In holland, this would be a 1000-1500 euro system.

DDR2 on MB's designed for i7 is just not possible I'm afraid. The X58 supports tripple channel DDR3 memory and P55 is running on dual channel DDR3 memory.

Woops, detailled mistake.. Meant the ddr3 ofcourse :P

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IF perhaps you are looking at doing some producing.. You may want to check out M-Audio for an audio card.. one of their devices supports just about everything your going to need .. but all I can say is go to their site.. Also if your going to be running your MIDI controllable interfaces for mixing and peripherals, you need to consider your pre-existing equipment before really finalizing a decision on any of these things.. The devices you may need to buy to cover your ins, and outs may be a determining factor in other areas where you may have to cut back.. to try to fit things in.. I mean I have seen soundcards.. for producers run up to $3,000.. they do everything and interface with even larger setups.. but Like I said.. it can make all the difference..

The next thing is desktop/screen real estate usage an ho this s going to work into what your doing.. You may need dual monitor support to be able to span the workable window so that you can actually have a viable workspace .. that makes things WAY more efficient.. it doesn't sound that bad.. but picture having to slide a window back and forth, working on a track.. BIG HUGE problem..

If your gong to be working with 3D rendering, you must consider the requirements and not just the minimal .. for the software your going to be using.. So consider what your dong and the load at which you will be operating..if you don't know.. it might be advisable to talk with someone who uses the software your thinking about .. Even CS4 can eat up some CPU power depending on the type of project your using.. especially if you choose to purchase a DigiPen/Brush to use with your creation/artistry..

I know I don't have some specifics.. but I thought might bring these details up to maybe pick your brain a little about the decision making process that my be involved, and after spending money.. you may want it to support moving upward from there a little and the system being capable to do so as you progress fro the point your at now..Jus a thought..

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First of all I suggest you wait till January 2010. Intel is releasing 32nm cpu in Q1 2010. This means 2 things: If you are going for intel build then last generation 45nm cpu price will drop drastically; or if you are going AMD build then prices will fall drastically further than intel in order to compete.

If you have plenty money then you could get the Gulftown 6 core i7 cpu, LOL. Seriously though I know people always say if they wait on technology they would be waiting forever because it changes so fast but this time we know the schedule for certain and 32nm is something to want. Or at the very least the release of 32nm means the 45nm cpu will drop in price.

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My throught

Computer Case: Sliver Stone case, cool design and good air flow, lots of room and places for Fans.

Processor & Cooling fan: Well im thinking i7 is bit over the top here, im running photoshop pretty quick with intel 2.8ghz duo 4gb DDR2 Ram, not sure about your D.A.W or what it is -.- However i reckon nice Quad Core would be nice also the price.

Motherboard: Asus are good brand.

Graphic Card: I've got ATI 4800 and it's good priced at a 512mb one.

Soundcard: .. I don't know lol

Powersupply: I would more than 600.

Fans/Liquid cooling: The stock cooler on the quad core that comes with is fine.

Memory: 4GB+ DDR2 or 3, your choice.

HDD: Depends, your choice.

Optional HD: ^

Extra stuff:

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Computer Case: My cousin, who is another computer expert told me what's in case? Of course find a good one which has good airflow and coolness but it's not the most important part on your PC.

Processor & Cooling fan: I really recommend i7 Quad core for your type of work. Now it's on you if you wanna go for a faster one than 2.66GHz

Motherboard: Asus is quite well known and good. I also heard Intel is genuinely good.

Graphic Card: As Haantjuh mentioned. Go for a ATI DX 11 Graphics card.

Memory: If you are goin for i7. i7 has triple channel architecture so it would be best to go with 3 x 2GB RAM sticks. Transcend is famous here.

HDD: I prefer Seagate.

Extra stuff: Forgot mouse and keyboard? :lol:

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