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Don Meu

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hi there, about your latest version, all these three steps are necessary: register, activate, ban check?

thank u


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well i didn't make it, betamaster did. but yes all 3 steps are required in the order listed (and make sure your HOSTS file isn't read-only). also, a keygened serial may or may not work, which is why it's possible to use it but still remains optional :rolleyes:

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the first time i installed the prog, i forgot to do the ban check... some days after, as i started the prog, even with the check internet for updates option off, the prog asked to connect to internet... i allowed that and... great move... the prog has become unregistered... damn

by the way, what and where is the hosts file?


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The patch redirect serial.alcohol-soft.com to, the problem is that I have a web server on so Alcohol says: "The data buffer does not contain a valid string, pleas try again."

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change the entry to... serial.alcohol-soft.com

...or another local ip address you know's not in use (eg. :P

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Thanks it works. Can you tell it to betamaster?

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