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Low resource and non-bloated Windows 10


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Hi all, 


I have a budget work laptop, the Lenovo 110S, with 1.6-GHz Intel Celeron CPU N3060 and 2g RAM. I only need programs like a email client, MS Office and PDF reader etc for my work.


But the W10 that comes with it full of unnecessary bloat running in the background. Where can i download a "light" version of W10 iso to install? 


Thanks in advance.

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All Windows runs the same Pro Ent LTSC etc.  Basically unless you run the program it is not running in the background.  I have tried what you want before, and every Windows, even totally stripped runs just as fast/slow on a budget laptop.  I would advise against a budget laptop.

5 minutes ago, leapinlizards said:

I would recommend LTSC.


You would never be able to buy the license for LTSC nor afford it.  You would have to run it illegally, and if you are using this for work I would advise highly against it as you could get into serious trouble.

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I have been using LTSB/C on and off for years with no problem.

currently have 1909 ent 64. not a big difference really.

pretty smooth.

Enterprise,  Education or  LTSB/C


ps .. there are a coupla minor bugs on 1909 as usual with a new release.

will hopefully be fixed next update.


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2 hours ago, lemoned. said:

I only need programs like a email client, MS Office and PDF reader etc for my work.

Do you need 'real' office files? LibreOffice is a great and free alternative.

For low resources/non-bloated os you could also try linux distros. Puppy linux is small, coming with a full set of apps (http://puppylinux.com/), using mint (https://linuxmint.com/) here on low specs laptop/desktops. There are obviously others to try (live distros to test without affecting your current install).

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2 GB RAM is even not the minimum for Windows Vista and up.

All I can recommend is using the 32 bit version of Windows 10 which uses less resources then the 64 bit.

But some hardware vendors don't update their 32 bit drivers.

What could help is adding RAM when possible or replace the slow harddisk with a SATA SSD like the Crucial MX500.

Swapping then goes faster on a SSD then on a harddisk and the laptop will fell faster.

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Yea I think the stock OS is the 32bit W10. Well it's manageable after some tweaking.


All i need to do is edit some quotations in excel/word, convert to pdf and email them. I could do it on any smartphone but it feels like a hideous crime to edit much text on it. Would prefer a keyboard + mouse anytime.



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Use Office 365 (cloud) and share the links (read only)... they can get the files from there in whatever format they want.

Google is also an alternative.

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Every OS has a recommended hardware specs, also each software comes with its own hardware requirement.

you need to meet those requirements to have a pleasant experience.


if your hardware is older or not enough, OR if you don't use some of the Windows 10 features, it doesn't mean Windows 10 is bloated.

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Use O&O app buster in admin mode,  it may remove some unused app, you have  dism commands who could do the job


Use open office, libre office or any non Msoft Office, you have always running office services, they will eat your memory

A 32 bit win 10 is needed for sure

Use thunderbird mail, light and efficient


This pc will be slow, be warned,  for this kind of configuration(s).

On 1/6/2020 at 6:05 AM, jimbojet2011 said:

Here you go 😉



This is an win 64 bit version ????   It wont work

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9 minutes ago, coromonadalix said:

This pc will be slow, be warned,  for this kind of configuration(s).


Oh my... And even 'dead-slow' would be nice words...... :lmao:

Only 1.6 GHz and 2 GB RAM I saw the last time around year 2005 I think.


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2 hours ago, jbleck said:

Use Office 365 (cloud) and share the links (read only)... they can get the files from there in whatever format they want.

Google is also an alternative.


But only if you love spyware and ads... :rasta:

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Marcus Thunder
5 hours ago, lemoned. said:

1.6-GHz Intel Celeron CPU N3060 and 2g RAM. I only need programs like a email client, MS Office and PDF reader etc for my work.

Remember that you will need at least an antivirus ,adblocker... You will most likely run latest edition of internet browsers, i bet that your laptop will start to slow down with three youtube tabs if using w10 as OS... not to mention the x264 & x265 popular video codecs that need processor power. The answer to your quest lies in an earlier topic posted, only if you are willing to forsake your desire for windows 10.


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24 minutes ago, coromonadalix said:

yeah  i would use  "nix variants in this, nothing else  :whistle:


In the end... Not recommended!!
Actually even the price for that CPU is already extreme ripoff imho.



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On 1/6/2020 at 6:05 AM, jimbojet2011 said:

Here you go 😉




Removed Components:

Windows Firewall (GUI)

Windows Defender

Windows Update

Windows Backup

All Windows bloatware apps

Cortana and many more.


Lol they removed all the Important and necessary components.


at these times, I get why Apple doesn't let others install OSX on any system configuration, so people won't be calling OSX bloated and then completely change it however they want

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10 hours ago, lemoned. said:

Hi all, 


I have a budget work laptop, the Lenovo 110S, with 1.6-GHz Intel Celeron CPU N3060 and 2g RAM. I only need programs like a email client, MS Office and PDF reader etc for my work.


But the W10 that comes with it full of unnecessary bloat running in the background. Where can i download a "light" version of W10 iso to install? 


Thanks in advance.


Check your PM

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It's not like Windows 10 is a memory or CPU hog or anything like that.  I have a whole crap-load of stuff open, and resources used are really very low.  Also, for what you want just use a browser.  Any browser can read PDF files or open Google docs, web email, or MS Office online.


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If you are only doing some office work and mailing, I DO recommend to use Linux instead of Window.



  • Linux


1. Less resource consuming in background.

2. No need for Antivirus. But, you have to know what are you doing with the Internet.

3. All office related work, and mailing, both Linux and Window has.

4. Less disk space usage for O.S to operate normally.

5. Start up and work.

6. It is Free.

  • Do you really need to use Microsoft office?
  • There are plenty of choices when it comes to free office apps. Just try them, and select one that suite you.



1. You are not familiar with this OS, yet? Right?

2. No gaming, well of course you can run some Windows game on Linux.

  • However, are you going to play game on that machine?
  • With that spec, I recommend Super Mario Teach Typing.


  • Windows


1. You are already familiar with it.



1. You need to have an antivirus running even using a 32-bit of Windows.

2. More disk-space needed for Windows to operate.

3. Need at least 30mn to wait with that machine spec for Window to operate after the start up before you can work.

4. Your machine will hang from time to time, believe me.

5. and more.

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1 hour ago, Blazelanze said:

If you are only doing some office work and mailing, I DO recommend to use Linux instead of Window...

As noted in an earlier post, another big advantage of linux distros is that they can easily be tested live without affecting what is already installed.  Simply put several live isos on a usb key containing easy2boot, and try them.

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3 minutes ago, Kalju said:

Completely pointless activity. Like I just said, there are only two options: use it as it is or throw it away (also fully as it is).


And once you had an open-minded adventure spirit, what happened to that?


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