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Happy New Year 2020


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We are going to mark a new beginning on 2020 with many stuff going around our beloved forums. 


I will start with we the staff wishing everyone a happy new year for all members and visitors. 


We finally made it through 2019 with zero downtime even sometimes whenever I found the website online I say to myself oh it's up, so I will have too many things to work on because years ago whenever it was down for days usually I say oh finally a break. ..... 😂. Still I am happy for seeing the forums up all the times, and this all thank to donors who have been very generousness and kind. Donations will be always open to whom who would like to see this community a live.


Not to mention all the members who have been working very hard to update the software, and the members who are giving their time to help others without asking anything in return. Moreover, our new staff members that we haven't announced yet @KXR75, @Karlston, @Mach1, and @T3rM1nat0Rr3. Thank y'all for giving your free time to manage the forums around.


In this new year we will do more to this community in order to achieve everything we desire. Knowing each other has been a master class in true friendships. 


Happy New Year Ya'll. 



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Much appreciated and a massive thank you especially to what goes on behind the scenes of Nsane. Happy New Year all and all my hopes 2020 is a defining year 🙂

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A happy new year to you too @Matt and your entire staff.

W e look forward to seeing a better year than the old 2019

To the new staff, all the best to keep this forum a worthy one joining and  visiting

We all know it isn't easy behind there, where we can't see

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Matt & all Nsane staff,

                                      I've seen other sites come and go and while it's inconvenient at the time, they get replaced. But nothing could replace Nsane.

In fact llfe wouldn't be the same without Nsane. So thank you guys for all the effort you put into making this site a home from home for us. I wish

you all a very Happy New Year 2020.:clap::clap::clap:

PS:- And a Happy New Year to all Nsaners too.


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Happy new year especially good health in 2020


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Wishing all staff and members a happy, healthy New Year.

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