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Tweak & optimize your SSD


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Here is a list of free software to optimize your SSD



Free SSD Toolbox Software

  1. Samsung SSD Magician for Samsung SSD


Samsung Nvme SSD Driver For Windows 10


2) SanDisk SSD Dashboard for Sandisk SSD


3) Transcend SSD Scope for Transced SSD


4) ADATA SSD Toolbox for Adata SSD


5) SSD Utility SSD Management Software for Toshiba OCZ SSD


6) Kingston SSD Toolbox for Kingston SSD

https://www.kingston.com/en/support/technical/ssdmanager http://media.kingston.com/support/downloads/KSM_setup.exe

7) Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox & Intel Rapid Storage Technology (Intel RST) for Intel SSD

https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28309?v=t https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/55005/Intel-Rapid-Storage-Technology-Intel-RST-

8) Crucial Storage Executive Tool for Micron SSD & Crusial SSD


9) SeaTools for Seagate SSD


10) WD SSD Dashboard for Western Digital SSD


11) Corsair SSD Toolbox for Corsair SSD


12) Team SSD Toolbox for Team Group SSD


13) KLEVV SSD Health Monitoring Software for Klevv SSD


14) Mydigital Firmware Update & FNet HybriDisk Software SSD Optimizing Software for Mydigital SSD

https://www.mydigitalssd.com/news.php#firmware_updates https://www.mydigitalssd.com/fnet.php

15) Kingspec SSD Software for Kingspec SSD


16) SP ToolBox for Silicon Power SSD


17) Mushkin Firmware Update for Mushkin SSD


18) Plextor SSD Software For Plextor SSD


19) OWC SSD Firmware Updater for OWC SSD


20) PNY SSD Firmware Updates for PNY SSD

https://www.pny.com/support/technical-support/solid-state-drives/firmware-update https://www.pny.com/support/technical-support/solid-state-drives/firmware-update/internal-ssd

PNY Get Info Tool


21) HP SSD Firmware/Driver for HP SSD


22) Patriot SSD Toolbox Software for Patriot SSD




Other Freeware Third Party SSD Tweaking & Management Software

A) SSD Tweaker Free


B) SSD Life Control your SSD lifetime


C) Smartmonotools




E) SSD Boost Manager


F) Tweak-SSD


G) SSD Life


H) Hard Disk Sentinel


I) Ultimate SSD Optimization Tweaking Guide For Windows OS from SSDReview


J) Diskovery




L) CrystalDiskInfo



Note: Always Backup Your DATA before you upgrade ssd driver and firmware.


Source : Reddit 

All credit to original poster .


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Very good.

I know one person, who tried to print out the entire Google Search.

Well just in case,... if electricity goes out or for those who don't have internet ...
Then it is good to take and read.

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@mp68terr Absolutely correct.

Any SSD uses its own producer software and there is never needed for nothing else, absolutely never.
If You don't believe, think how do you optimize the microcircuits and transistors inside your TV, radio, etc.and then think what is owerdays SSD drive. If don't know, it's also only one or couple more microcircuits, that's all. For example my 256GB SSD is only 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm and and thinner than 2.5 mm. There is nothing to optimize.

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6 minutes ago, Kalju said:

@mp68terr Absolutely correct.

Any SSD uses its own producer software and there is never needed for nothing else, absolutely never.
If You don't believe, think how do you optimize the microcircuits and transistors inside your TV, radio, etc.and then think what is owerdays SSD drive. If don't know, it's also only one or couple more microcircuits, that's all. For example my 256GB SSD is only 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm and and thinner than 2.5 mm. There is nothing to optimize.


But most probably not have any RAM cache inside and only bad QLC... Already born to die fast. :coolwink:

And without good tools you can also never know it before. :naughty: 

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11 minutes ago, Israeli_Eagle said:


But most probably not have any RAM cache inside and only bad QLC... Already born to die fast. :coolwink:

And without good tools you can also never know it before. :naughty: 


My 256GB SSD is 5 years old, has never been optimized and its performance is the same as on the first day of use.

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7 minutes ago, rerigam said:


My 256GB SSD is 5 years old, has never been optimized and its performance is the same as on the first day of use.


Depends which SSD you really use and also how much!! And for sure it's not only 2.5cm x 2.5cm small. :whistle:

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In the past, these tools were very handy because Windows XP and Vista didn't support trim function.

So you had to manually trim the SSD and overprovision to keep the SSD fast.

Now there handy to see the health of your SSD or to manually start the trim funtion if you feel the SSD is slower then originally.

And also to see if there is a firmware update and install the new firmware.

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8 hours ago, Ryrynz said:


Erm... Better a clean link without amazonaws... :naughty:

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On 12/31/2019 at 7:26 AM, Israeli_Eagle said:


Erm... Better a clean link without amazonaws... :naughty:

Should be blocking that stuff anyway. uBlock, Adblock, Privacy Badger.. whatever, required extensions I'm sure everyone already has.

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