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The Forum Rules Conflicts With Sharing My Library Of Software To Forum Members


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1 minute ago, Israeli_Eagle said:

It becomes boring, @casio4ever... :yawn:


Agreed was hoping not to be forced into locking this topic as its always better to let people have a chance to voice an opinion.


10 minutes ago, casio4ever said:

So Where Is The Right Place To Report Wrong Acts From Staff ??


As stated you're in the correct place also as stated you can contact Admin directly via PM anytime.


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I am not going to add a lot more of what been said above from staff member and members. 


First the forum rules are the best rules to rule the forums forever just like traffic lights you can't come and say you wanted the red light to be green and green to be red. The forum is made for software new version update, and the staff in here like librarian organizing everything around in order to be reachable to everyone. Second, if this software is really wanted from members, it is still reachable through search, and it will be easily found. Furthermore, if someone is looking for something old and priceless such as some records, that someone will start looking at the archive the right place to start looking. Finally, thank you for re-uploading this software, yet we can't modify the rules on each member's mood. You are always welcome to accept them, and give us useful idea that suits everyone not just you @casio4ever.  

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