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The Forum Rules Conflicts With Sharing My Library Of Software To Forum Members


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Yes You've read It Right. Admins.
First, Right After Registration, I Really Thought That This Forum Could Benefit From My Library Of Retail & Volume Packages. But Rules Of This Forum Won't Allow Me To Post Software Older Than Week Ago. Which Translated For Me To A Big Waste Of Money Or Effort For Just one Single Click From Admin's Finger Moving My Content From Software Updates To The Graveyard (Software Archive). Just Like What Happened To My Latest Topics (Nuance OmniPage Bundle v19.16) Or (Kofax PaperPort Professional v14.7).


I Started To Learn Reversing For Curing/Fixing My Owned Software Using My Purchased Licenses. But I Thought What Should I Do After Spending Time & Effort For Reversing & Uploading Them, Then Forum Admins Decided To Move Them From Software Updates/Software News To Software Archive Just Because They're released More Than Several Weeks Or Months Ago ??, What's The Benefit From Doing All Of This ??, I Can Tell You guys : It's A Big Fat Zero 0.


Where Should I Go To Help People ??. Many Forums Kicked Me Out Just For Saying No To Some Restricted Rules. AFAIK These Rules Were Written By Humane being Not By The God, So If these rules causes any conflict of Interest Either The Interest Of Forum Or Its Members, Then We Must Consider Revising Them Again For Errors. If Any Forum Member Asks For Missing Software, Or Wants To Upload The Same Missing Software, Hence The Forum's Target Is To Connect Both Together And Everybody Wins. The Problem Is When That Upload Should Moved To Archive,And Why ??.

If I Were The Admin I Should Move It When A Newer Version Appears Already In The Same Section (Software Update), But If It Wasn't Found Already In (Software Update), Why Should I Move It In The First Place To The Software Archive ?? And That's What Happened Exactly For My Post Of Kofax PaperPort v14.7, I posted That Software In The Wrong Section Because Of My Inexperience In (Software News), The Admins Moved It To (Software Archive) Instead Moving To (Software Updates). After that I Went To Software Updates To See If There Is A Newer Version Than Mine And I Found Nothing !!!

That Act From Admins Got Repeated Today @ 7:00 AM, Several Hours Later, After Posting Nuance OmniPage Ultimate Bundle (OP v19.16 + PP v14.6 + VE (Multi 7) Voice Package), The Topic Was Moved To Software Archive Without Any Reasonable Cause. Just Like That !!!, I Went Again To Find If Somebody Uploaded A Newer Version Than Mine, And Guess What ?, The Last Version Of Omnipage In Software Updates Was v19.0. While The Latest Version Was Lying Down there In The Graveyard (AKA. Software Archive), Take A Look

Older Version In Software Updates



Newer Version In Software Archive



And That's Exactly What I'm Calling That Act As A Conflict Of Interest, The Users Interest Was In The Updated & Working Software Which Can't Be Found In The Other Forums, But Forum Admins Have Another Interest In The Opposite Direction (Leaving Old Versions Of Softwares In Software Updates) And (Moving Recent Versions Of Softwares To Software Archives).


Why I am Calling Software Archive With Graveyard ?? Because It Contains A Huge Amount Of Software Which Can't Be Seen Unless You Searched For Them. And There Lies Many Great Apps With Nearly 0 Interest In Them. What I've Earned From That Act Of Admin (Moving My Recently Uploaded Apps From Software Updates To Software Archive) ?? Absolutely Nothing. Neither Posting Replies Nor Reputation Points, So Why Bothering Uploading Many Missing Softwares (Older Than Several Weeks Or Months Ago) If I Can't Earn Anything In Return ??
These Rules Must Be Revised Again For The Sake Of The Main Cause Behind Running That Forum, And For The Sake Of Members Looking For Missing And Updated Apps Too.


From Now On, I'm Gonna Deal With Nsaneforums As A Leecher (Just Downloader)

Not As A Contributor (Just Uploader) Until Further Notice.
@ Hotmail.com

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Excuse me, but.........

What I feel automatically is: Who ever would download something in a dozen parts?? :wtf:

And the last diskettes I had in the early 90s...

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2 hours ago, stylemessiah2 said:

I think youve used your bold quota for the year.....

I've Changed my ISP because of its upload speed, 

Now I'm working on 4g mobile internet which costs me 100 Egp For 6.2 Gigabytes

(Download or Upload) which helps me in my latest topic a lot. (4 GB Uploaded in 1 Hour)

Still using ADSL is cheaper than broadband connection but it lacks the feature of faster upload speeds

(Nuance Dragon professional v15.3 Took nearly 5 days to upload) ( 16.7 GB uploading @ 1Mb/s )

Still the quota didn't finished but I don't have the time to upload such space for every topic with same size or less. :D

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20 minutes ago, casio4ever said:

I've Changed my ISP because of its upload speed, 

Now I'm working on 4g mobile internet which costs me 100 Egp For 6.2 Gigabytes

(Download or Upload) which helps me in my latest topic a lot. (4 GB Uploaded in 1 Hour)

Still using ADSL is cheaper than broadband connection but it lacks the feature of faster upload speeds

(Nuance Dragon professional v15.3 Took nearly 5 days to upload) ( 16.7 GB uploading @ 1MB/s )

Still the quota didn't finished but I don't have the time to upload such space for every topic with same size or less. :D



Uploading 16.7 GB would take less as 5 hours @1MB/sec!! Or you live in a different universe... :naughty:

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43 minutes ago, Israeli_Eagle said:



Uploading 16.7 GB would take less as 5 hours @1MB/sec!! Or you live in a different universe... :naughty:

16.7GB On 1Mb/Sec (100 KB/s) + Disruption Of Forced Redirection Pages Telling You :oops:
(You've Exceeded Your Quota Limits, You Can Buy Extra Bla Bla Bla. Or Continue Browsing)
Which Interrupts The Upload Of The Whole Files, And Restarts The Whole Process Again :eek:

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43 minutes ago, Israeli_Eagle said:



Uploading 16.7 GB would take less as 5 hours @1MB/sec!! Or you live in a different universe... :naughty:

I guess you're wrong, he meant Mb (Megabits, not MB -> Megabytes)

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44 minutes ago, casio4ever said:

16.7GB On 1Mb/Sec (100 KB/s) + Disruption Of Forced Redirection Pages Telling You :oops:


Oh my........... :lmao:

Such a unit does not exist on this planet!!


43 minutes ago, gerinho said:

I guess you're wrong, he meant Mb (Megabits, not MB -> Megabytes)


Yep! But a byte has still 8 bits, so not 10. Because actually computers never work decimal. :doctor:

And only 1 mbps (mega bits per second) was normal at year 2000...

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57 minutes ago, casio4ever said:

(You've Exceeded Your Quota Limits, You Can Buy Extra Bla Bla Bla. Or Continue Browsing)
Which Interrupts The Upload Of The Whole Files, And Restarts The Whole Process Again :eek:


And which Quota Limits??

Standard as well already 20 years flat rates, so there is no limit per month or such.

I get here only more confused and think again about a different universe... ;)


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I think the size and the number of files to download were irrelevant to the main topic of this thread.
It is in megabits and not in megabytes.
He just made a little error there using  MB/s vs mbps, but most people are confused by it.
Having a connection of less than 1mbps is still very common on third world countries like in asia.
And in addition to that, there is what we call "capping" which means data limit to upload and download at such speed, even USA has capping imposed on their mobile connections.
The OP's main concern was not being discussed and hence "nonsensical issues" are being emphasized which sway away too far from the main topic.


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6 minutes ago, nIGHT said:

The OP's main concern was not being discussed and hence "nonsensical issues" are being emphasized...

So common these days everywhere and in any forum ...

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13 minutes ago, nIGHT said:

I think the size and the number of files to download were irrelevant to the main topic of this thread.
It is in megabits and not in megabytes.
He just made a little error there using  MB/s vs mbps, but most people are confused by it.
Having a connection of less than 1mbps is still very common on third world countries like in asia.
And in addition to that, there is what we call "capping" which means data limit to upload and download at such speed, even USA has capping imposed on their mobile connections.
The OP's main concern was not being discussed and hence "nonsensical issues" are being emphasized which far too sway away from the main topic.


The reasons are:

  • Still quite ancient software!!
  • And I see no reason to upload a dozen parts...

Ergo... => Archive or Graveyard :doctor:

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1 hour ago, Israeli_Eagle said:

The reasons are:

  • Still quite ancient software!!
  • And I see no reason to upload a dozen parts...

Ergo... => Archive or Graveyard :doctor:


You Have The Power Of Money & The Power Of The Internet, Other People Don't. Besides,
The Forum Members Only Who Have The Right To Say If My Uploads Were Ancient Or Not
Not Forum Admins Or Even You & Me. AFAIK Someone's Junk Is Someone Else's Treasure, Right ?!
My Reason Behind Writing That Topic Wasn't Meant For Discussion Around Download/Up Speeds.
My Point Is Why Older Versions Stays In The Sections Of Software Updates, While Recent Ones Lies Down There @ The Graveyard Of Software Archives ?
If The Rules Of That Forum Conflicts With The Interests Of Forum Members, Then Rules Must Be Revised Or Even Built From Scratch.
The Main Idea Of Running That Forum Is To Make Life Easier For Members By Connecting Uploaders (Who Seeks For Reputation Points) With Downloaders (Who Seeks For Post Counts) And Everybody wins.
If Spending Money And Time Won't Get Me Nothing At The End Of The Day, So Why Bothering Myself If I Will Get Nothing In Return ??

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Just now, Israeli_Eagle said:


The reasons are:

  • Still quite ancient software!!
  • And I see no reason to upload a dozen parts...

Ergo... => Archive or Graveyard :doctor:

As that post is an opinion, I respect it but please respect OP's opinion and perspective too.
No one is having a bad blood here with you, as nobody's been attacking you here so please calm down.
Your posts are very assertive and impulsive, but the OP just wants to query to the mods why these things way of handling here and if there is a chance they could reconsider to change or adjust some rules to make other topics besides "softwares updates" become more visible too.
He got a point there too as some topics in software updates been many years old but still exist there.
The mods could say it is no longer the latest version, but he could counter it by saying it may not be the latest version or a week old since released but still this is the recent version that got a fixed.
This topic gave us an opportunity to gave our opinion on how this should be handled as reference for mods on how they handle and resolve case like this in a very friendly and joyful manner since it is Christmas Season.
We have our encounters in the past on another platform but as you see I am very friendly and tolerant to you now.
Your past sins are not the final verdict of who you can become in the future.
You could become my bestfriend tomorrow and that would be fun.
My post here, if it is not clear, is to guide you to the right direction just like I always did with other members here in the past.
Life is so lonely without friends so like in the kindergarten the rules still applies "be nice to me and I'll be nice to you."
Don't post if you can't be nice even if you are trying to help otherwise you just gain unwanted enemies.
I do chose to post even when gaining enemies but I have a great reasons and motive to do so which I think for the betterment of the victim or of the whole community but if you chose to post just to show off then that is unproductive.
This is Christmas season and I do not know if you celebrate one but this is a time for being friendly, forgiving, tolerant and being nice.
Have a Merry Christmas even if you do not acknowledge the Savior Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and sent as our Savior.

I almost forgot to post my opinion on the topic:
Here's my POV:
1,We could say this is how things done for a very long time and the accustomed handling here has been known and accepted by the community for a long time.
2. The seemingly chaotic but ramified categorization of topics makes it harder for "new spies" to easily understand the structure of our forum and hence limits his investigation or data gathering to a minimum,
3. This could be an opportunity to rethink if the current ramifications of topics is still beneficial not only to increase topics accessibility and exposure but also on the ease of mgt, monitoring and handling of these matters.
4. In my company I work for, we do have a certain interval on a span of every 3 years to rethink of re organizing the company as well as re organizing way of handling data to benefit not only the higher, mid and low mgt but also the employees so they can perform their work faster, better and easier using only just the smallest amount of resources and time. Obsolete data structures and handling will cost more manpower, time and resources. Thinking to reorganize it must be to highly aim to alleviate the stress of staff and mods on accessibility and monitoring, as well as ease of access on the members part too.
5. Christmas season, take your time in reconsidering this matter and also this kind of changes requires huge time to fix so this might be handle til next year.

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Oh my........ 

  1. That was NOT my decision, but imho I fully agree to the Staff.
  2. Nobody here gets any profit! No points, no gold nuggets and not even miracles from (fictional) Gods.
  3. The software of v19 is from 2014 and still visible in the Software Updates history, everybody can download and use it. But I also see no reason to upload that old stuff again. But I'm of course still open if there's any new good reason!
  4. So... Just calm down and enjoy soon the new year!
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1 hour ago, Israeli_Eagle said:

The software of v19 is from 2014 and still visible in the Software Updates history, everybody can download and use it. But I also see no reason to upload that old stuff again. But I'm of course still open if there's any new good reason!

Told You Before, I Just Uploaded The Recent Versions,
You Won't See OmniPage Ultimate v19.16 In Software Update Here With Vocalizer Packages Here Before My Upload Or Anywhere else
You Won't See Power PDF Standard v2.1 Integrated With Other Components In The Same Bundle Here Or Anywhere else
You Won't See PaperPort v14.6 Here, Integrated Successfully With Mentioned Components Here Or Anywhere else

If You Count My Uploads As Ancient, Fine ! Why Older Ones Remained In Software Updates Which Was Constructed Only For Updated Software ??
Can You Also Tell Me Why Recent Ones Lied Down There @ Software Archives Which Was Constructed For Older Versions Of Software ??
Who Has The Right To Define The Meaning Of Ancient Or Old Software ??
This Forum Lacks Too Many Types Of Software Which Released Several Weeks Or Months Ago, Like Nuance Power PDF v3.0
You Agrees On Rewarding Me For Uploading Working Software (Which Asked By Many Forum Members BTW.) By Moving That Topic
From Software Updates To Software Archives ? What's The Benefit From Spending Money & Time For Nothing ??
What The Hell Are You Smoking For God Sake's ??

This Is Only One Example And The List Goes On...
Network Management Software, Burning Disc Ultimate Bundles, Network Inventory Management Software, Educational Lab Management Software, Printer Management Software, Print Management, Multiple OS Deployment Across The Network, CyberCafe Management Software, Time Management Software, Employee Monitoring Software, Parental Control, Document Management Software, Ergonomics Software, Multiple Monitors Management, Desktop Management Software, Text Readers, Ink Savers... etc
If I Registered Here For Looking For A Rare-To-Find Expensive App, Which After Long Time Of Search, It Doesn't Exist, Should I Stay Here Any Longer?? Think About It !!!
Should I Consider Even Donating To This Forum ?? For What ?? Not Giving Me What I Want Since Registration In The First Place ?? Does It Worth My Hard Earned Money ??
I Want To Make This Forum Successful More Than Any Forum Out there
But With Those Stupid Ancient Rules, I Can't Be More Than Just A Leecher
Just Downloading & Consuming The Resources Of Others, Yup, Just Like That
Nothing More,

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5 minutes ago, Israeli_Eagle said:

You wanna write a book or such?? :rasta:

And why you not use then normal download links?? For example:

I see zero reason to upload 16 GB at all and might not even be clean...

The original installer is only 1.66 GB small (approx 5 mins download). :coolwink:

Are You Even Listening ?? 16 GB Was Meant For Uploading
Retail Installers Of Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 5 Languages (English, French, Dutch, Espanol, Italian)
Also OmniPage Bundle Contains (OmniPage v19.16 + PaperPort v14.6 + Power PDF Advanced v2.1 + Vocalizer Expressive 7 Language Of Text To Speech Voices)

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Just now, casio4ever said:

Are You Even Listening ?? 16 GB Was Meant For Uploading Retail Installers Of Nuance Dragon Professional Individual 5 Languages (English, French, Dutch, Espanol, Italian)


Bundles here are not really welcome!!

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On 12/29/2019 at 8:01 PM, casio4ever said:

Yes You've read It Right. Admins.

This is the correct place to approach Admin members are also able to contact Admin via PM (they wont bite you) we are all members here.

On 12/29/2019 at 8:01 PM, casio4ever said:

Single Click From Admin's Finger Moving My Content From Software Updates To The Graveyard (Software Archive).

To date Admin have had no contact with any of your post's these actions have all been made by staff who are simply doing their job.

On 12/29/2019 at 8:01 PM, casio4ever said:

Where Should I Go To Help People ??. Many Forums Kicked Me Out Just For Saying No To Some Restricted Rules

It would appear that as you said "many forums kicked me out" the rules are for everyone your history suggests making your own forum with your rules is the answer clearly your running out of forums this can also attributed to not reading what you agree to when joining any community.

On 12/29/2019 at 8:01 PM, casio4ever said:

That Act From Admins Got Repeated Today @ 7:00 AM, Several Hours Later,

As it should have been your version posted was released way back in 2017

On 12/30/2019 at 6:21 AM, casio4ever said:

The Main Idea Of Running That Forum Is To Make Life Easier For Members By Connecting Uploaders (Who Seeks For Reputation Points) With Downloaders (Who Seeks For Post Counts) And Everybody wins. If Spending Money And Time Won't Get Me Nothing At The End Of The Day, So Why Bothering Myself If I Will Get Nothing In Return ??

This forum and the vast majority of its members are here to share and learn reputation and post counts are simply a product of sharing, people expecting something more are in the wrong place.

On 12/30/2019 at 9:29 AM, casio4ever said:

I Want To Make This Forum Successful More Than Any Forum Out there
But With Those Stupid Ancient Rules

Mission is already accomplished we are better than any other forum and that's because of our selfless members not looking for rewards or insulting our Admin by calling our rules stupid or ancient.

That is not the way to ask for change your topic here will be answered by Admin in due course in the meanwhile lets all stay on topic here we don't want to have to shut down this topic so don't force us to.

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36 minutes ago, Mach1 said:

As it should have been your version posted was released way back in 2017

But It Was Missing From Software Update Corner, Plus The Files Got Downloaded More Than 40 Times Which Means That It Was Needed By Forum Members.


This forum and the vast majority of its members are here to share and learn reputation and post counts are simply a product of sharing, people expecting something more are in the wrong place.

And Flushing The Effort & Money Of Uploaders In The Toilet\Graveyard Doesn't Help Either


To date Admin have had no contact with any of your post's these actions have all been made by staff who are simply doing their job.

So Where Is The Right Place To Report Wrong Acts From Staff ??


It would appear that as you said "many forums kicked me out" the rules are for everyone your history suggests making your own forum with your rules is the answer clearly your running out of forums this can also attributed to not reading what you agree to when joining any community.

Like I Said Before, The Rules Were Written By Humane Beings Not By The God, So As People Doing Mistakes, Also Rules Have Its Own.


This forum and the vast majority of its members are here to share and learn reputation and post counts are simply a product of sharing, people expecting something more are in the wrong place.

Moving Recent Versions Of Needed Software From Software Updates To Software Archive, Won't Help In Any Kind Of Sharing.


Mission is already accomplished we are better than any other forum and that's because of our selfless members not looking for rewards

Seem That Replies By Various Members, Are Telling Me Another Perspective Of Story.


insulting our Admin by calling our rules stupid or ancient.

I Didn't Insult Anyone, Rules Are Mistaken And Causes A Conflict Of Interest, Thus, They Need An Immediate Revision & Modification.


That is not the way to ask for change your topic here will be answered by Admin in due course in the meanwhile lets all stay on topic here we don't want to have to shut down this topic so don't force us to.

I'm Waiting....
FYI, The Rules Were Written Since 2010, BTW. Happy New Year 2020
It's Been Written Decade Ago, Again, Decade Ago (Decade = 10 Years)
You Are Upset From Uploading Software Released In Year Of 2017 ?
I Don't Have Much To Say...

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