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[Tutorial] How to make .iso image from Windows USB?


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Greetings everyone,


This guide will help you to convert bootable Windows OS USB Flash drive into an ISO file which can be used with VMware Player or to make a bootable USB Flash drive later on.


(a) You will need to Download oscdimg .


Site: https://www.sevenforums.com
Sharecode: /attachments/tutorials/32382d1256189124-make-bootable-iso-student-d-l-oscdimg.zip


(b) Extract and copy to: C:\Windows\System32 .

(c) On the C:\ Drive create a folder called ISO. This will be the folder where your Windows ISO is created in.

(d) Copy the following command below to a Notepad.


For UEFI :


oscdimg -u2 -udfver102 -lWin_x86-64 -bF:\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin F:\ C:\ISO\WinUEFI.iso




oscdimg -u2 -udfver102 -lWin_x86 -bF:\boot\etfsboot.com F:\ C:\ISO\WinBIOS.iso


Instructions below are given for UEFI but are identical for LEGACY/BIOS:

The above command is for the F:\ Drive ( i.e.,Windows OS USB Flash drive), if your drive is different, update the Drive Letter referencing the efisys.bin file.

(e) Save the file as USBtoUEFI_ISO.bat for this you need to save as  All Files otherwise it will be saved as USBtoUEFI_ISO.bat.txt.

(f) Now Right click the bat file  and select run as administrator.

(g) The Command Window will pop-up, wait for it to disappear.

(h) You now have the ISO file created in C:\ISO viz., WinUEFI.iso .


That's all.

Credits: @philipyip & @123m.m


P.S.: The above command can also be used to create .iso image from files/folders, this is something similar to Imgburn program.


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[Tutorial] How to Convert Windows USB to a ISO ?

Somebody says "very nice"? But I wanted also say the same, but must say that any Windows USB or any other USB not possible convert to a ISO.

Or somebody still don't know what means USB and what the "weird thing" is ISO?

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4 hours ago, Kalju said:

any Windows USB or any other USB not possible convert to a ISO

May be you didn't get it Sir due to my poor word selection "convert" instead of "create"/"make", it is a totally reverse thing of what Rufus do.

By this command we can easily create a bootable ISO from a Windows USB installation drive.

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