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Can we have 1 more reaction icon? Please ....


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Can we have 1 more reaction icon? Please .....

Something like "Thumbs Down" or "Dislike" ....


Because some members are even got the ViP status (recently) their comments are negative view or their intentions are no positive at all.


Obviously, he is not the MS's products key generator but he never gave the credit where he got the keys from.

At least he should mention the just name not the whole website.

And yet, he 1 time ask me to give the credit where I got the ISO from but that ISO was made by myself.

I never fail to give credits where its due.


For that kind of comment, I would give "Thumbs Down".


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2 minutes ago, shwescorpion said:

Can we have 1 more reaction icon? Please .....

Something like "Thumbs Down" or "Dislike" ....

You can use Sad reaction.

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1 hour ago, shwescorpion said:

Thumbs Down or Dislike is more meaning full than Sad.

I agree. It is different.

Even I wished for it in the past but didn't make a post here.



My first..





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3 hours ago, shwescorpion said:

Can we have 1 more reaction icon? Please .....

Something like "Thumbs Down" or "Dislike" ....

You could make your own button:

J8UaWPJ.png  🤣

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Members can react to their own content is possible to enable simply, because it already is there by default. It would be very good if enabled? For case, if nobody give any positive reaction...?
Confused and Sad buttons won't change nothing, these are neutral, the button-clicker gets only self-satisfaction.
All other buttons make the same, they all gives one +.
But of course, there is possible add as many buttons as somebody wants. But if there is also negative reputations allowed, then the end of forum life is coming very soon. It has been tested for example on raymond.cc forum and very soon there was only one who posted something at all....he was hal9000, their new administrator who allowed user to give negative points and reactions. And after that most of users left or didn't post anything no more.
So, good luck to everyone who just want to demolish everything ... and hate everyone, excluding yourself.

Hate and destruction are not the solution to anything. Laugh better and click this button -  react_haha_24.png.3e5f11d4db8ac4f7d68ed2c4ca56fcdf.png

Now I'll press this button for all of you and your likes score increases +1. It's so simple and completely free and everyone is in a good mood.

(PS: I can't press "Thanks" or "Like" because that wouldn't be right, but little smile, it still can. Everyone can.)

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I agree.  A dislike button would just sow discontent.

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1 hour ago, Kalju said:

Now I'll press this button for all of you and your likes score increases +1. It's so simple and completely free and everyone is in a good mood.

(PS: I can't press "Thanks" or "Like" because that wouldn't be right, but little smile, it still can. Everyone can.)


A man, a word

And you indeed did this 😁

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26 minutes ago, dhjohns said:

I agree.  A dislike button would just sow discontent.

I agree too, as much as Ive wanted to give dislikes to some members I think it would be a negative thing here on this forum, and we are all just guests here whether registered or not, so lets not trash someone else's place! Try to keep it all on a positive note and if something really bothers you then just keep tight and use the report button, I've seen that the staff are very fair and take action if warranted, so let them deal with any issues that arise and try to stay positive and friendly.

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I think if someone posts something that is undesirable, in bad taste, insulting, rude, offensive etc then that's where the Moderators step in and delete those posts.

The great characteristic that Nsane has is it's friendly and welcoming atmosphere and it's zero tolerance of keyboard hard men and idiots who attack other

members from the safety of their far off locations. Believe me  there are lots of these cowardly bully boys out there...just visit a few forums and you'll see how

they bring down the tone with their personal attacks and bad manners. I wouldn't want to see Nsane becoming like those sites, so although it perhaps seemed like a good suggestion to have a "thumbs down" button it would just sow disharmony and friction and even tit for tat revenge reactions, and so my opinion is we shouldn't have one.

Having said all that, maybe I'm just worried about all the "thumbs down" I would get!!!:w00t::w00t::w00t:


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24 minutes ago, funkyy said:

 ... tit for tat revenge reactions...

Seen much already ...  😉


27 minutes ago, funkyy said:

Having said all that, maybe I'm just worried about all the "thumbs down" I would get!!!:w00t::w00t::w00t:


Now we'll never know if our worries were real or not.  :w00t::w00t: :w00t:

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Just like in real life the biggest challenge we face is keeping peace if people were always respectful here there would be no problems unfortunately some cant help but bring their bad attitude to our forums even the current reactions system has been abused by members and they have been permanently removed we will not tolerate abuse of any kind please report and let us take care of it.

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2 hours ago, Kalju said:

@funkyy Don't worry, be happy. Life is too short to worry about everything.

Exactly!! We worry about things that in the grand scheme of life are really not so serious. People tend to look at those who have more than them, instead of looking at those who are less fortunate than them. No matter how much money and riches you have, you can't take it with you. As we say in Scotland "There are no pockets in a shroud"

Good health, good family, good friends and a good sense of humour are worth more than all the treasures in the world.

Now where did I put my Lotto ticket?? :w00t::w00t::w00t:

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39 minutes ago, funkyy said:

We worry about things

@funkyy I worry when worrying too much. I get tired when getting tired too much.  I become fearful when fearing too much.  No kidding.

43 minutes ago, funkyy said:

As we say in Scotland "There are no pockets in a shroud"

Yet, I bet most people in Scotland (like everywhere) are busy trying to make more and more money.


Knowledge (and formulae about life, worry, etc) is abundant (selves upon selves in the library) but human problems remain the same. We worry knowing full well that by worrying we cannot change a thing; we'd like to keep up with Jonases at all costs; and we all wish for good health, good family, good friends but alas all of us can't have it, otherwise the word "luck" will not exist.


Worry like stress is an inherent part of living.  Like old age it's unavoidable. So why try hard to avoid it by being overly positive as positive fixation is as good or as bad as negative fixation. After all the winds of the Highlands blow freely... why not ride the wind?

1 hour ago, funkyy said:

Now where did I put my Lotto ticket?? :w00t::w00t::w00t:

Aha, another worry: stolen perhaps.  :w00t::w00t::w00t:


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2 hours ago, aum said:

@funkyy I worry when worrying too much. I get tired when getting tired too much.  I become fearful when fearing too much.  No kidding.

Yet, I bet most people in Scotland (like everywhere) are busy trying to make more and more money.


Knowledge (and formulae about life, worry, etc) is abundant (selves upon selves in the library) but human problems remain the same. We worry knowing full well that by worrying we cannot change a thing; we'd like to keep up with Jonases at all costs; and we all wish for good health, good family, good friends but alas all of us can't have it, otherwise the word "luck" will not exist.


Worry like stress is an inherent part of living.  Like old age it's unavoidable. So why try hard to avoid it by being overly positive as positive fixation is as good or as bad as negative fixation. After all the winds of the Highlands blow freely... why not ride the wind?

Aha, another worry: stolen perhaps.  :w00t::w00t::w00t:


@aum "So why try hard to avoid it by being overly positive......."

Except that I don't "try hard to avoid it by being overly positive"...I just learn from the bad experiences as much as from the good ones and I live for the day.:w00t::w00t::w00t:



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16 hours ago, Kalju said:

Confused and Sad buttons won't change nothing, these are neutral, the button-clicker gets only self-satisfaction.
All other buttons make the same, they all gives one +.
But of course, there is possible add as many buttons as somebody wants. But if there is also negative reputations allowed, then the end of forum life is coming very soon. It has been tested for example on raymond.cc forum and very soon there was only one who posted something at all....he was hal9000, their new administrator who allowed user to give negative points and reactions. And after that most of users left or didn't post anything no more.


You got my point.

For the reaction of "Thumbs Down" or "Dislike" = -1 from the existing score.

And then members will write the comment carefully.

Where the comment is nothing wrong and somebody gave  "Thumbs Down" or "Dislike" , then latter hate the 1st one.

Thanks for the info about raymond.cc .....

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What about posts that are copy/paste of articles? The one who post the article is not the author and is 'simply reporting' the news.

Shall one gives -1 to the score of the one who post because he/she doesn't like the news, does not agree with what is reported, finds some inaccuracies in the article? I suppose not; one can comment on the news.

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11 hours ago, funkyy said:

@aum "So why try hard to avoid it by being overly positive......."

Except that I don't "try hard to avoid it by being overly positive"...I just learn from the bad experiences as much as from the good ones and I live for the day.:w00t::w00t::w00t:

@funkyy  That comments was a general comment to all of us.   😉


About learning (i.e., knowledge) I am not so sure (that we learn anything).  (We may think so but look at the history.)  Now about living in the present (for the day) is the only thing that helps in reality. Truly!   :w00t::w00t::w00t:

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7 hours ago, shwescorpion said:

And then members will write the comment carefully.

Absolutely!  Not all that appears negative is negative (and all that appears positive is positive).  Thinking and writing carefully avoids a myriad of other problems as well.  Thanks.

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8 hours ago, shwescorpion said:

For the reaction of "Thumbs Down" or "Dislike" = -1 from the existing score.

And then members will write the comment carefully.

"Thumbs Down" or "Dislike" can also be posted without any comment, simply because a member 'dislikes' what has been posted.

'Likes' are not always followed by a comment, why would 'dislikes' be?

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