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Windows 10 PIN/Password help


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first off I'll say I've been a long time lurker at nsanedown...i mean years and years. It's in my rotation of sites i usually visit pretty often. I've actually lost my accounts more than once and have forgotten usernames and passwords...It's pretty much why I'm here doing this. New member but not really.


here's my question...I had a neighbor call me the other day and they aquired a laptop from an old boss a few months ago who sold his business. The boss got to keep all the old company laptops/desktops and he gave one to them. It's Windows 10. They can use the laptop as a "power user" or limited privlige user but if they try to install any software it requires a PIN...The problem is, the old guy died a few months ago and it shows that you can reset the pin if you send a request to his old gmail account from this guy. This is not on a local account obviously so I was wondering, is there any way on planet earth that I can get admin priveleges with this thing? Or is this laptop relegated to basic surfing and no software installing duty for the rest of its life? I could usually get around this with Win 7 but not this thing. I'm not a Win 10 afficianado.

This is a fairly new laptop...less than 2 years old..runnng Win 10 1903


If this is in the wrong forum feel free to post it where it needs to be



(I'll be building my first 10 PC fairly soon so I'll be posting a few more questions in the near future)


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If you are talking about administrator privileges only, and asking for a PIN is the same as asking for an administrator password, then the problem is easy to solve.
But if it's a different PIN, it's a little more complicated.
But also, it is removable if needed.
What is more important, however, is the truthfulness and accuracy of your story. 
How do You prove it's not a stolen computer? This is the first, You must to do, and after that we will help You.

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So if anyone in here asks any question about say..."software" in general....I read nowhere where it's assumed that the user hasn't used a "medicine". I don't read too often where a veteran user asks.."How do we know the software isn't hacked?"...I ask a question about trying to get some use out of this laptop and it's partially assumed that it's stolen already. Geez. It's a laptop, not a super computer. Am I suppose to prove that it's not? i.e...give you every bit of information like my name, the guy that died's name, the person who has it's name...the business he had(which I can), his old geemail address(which I have). Yeah that's not gonna happen. Why would I do that in public or at nsanedown? It's not my business to know who owned it previously or why. I'm just tryin to get a laptop workin better.


If it can't be got around then I'll tell them theyre screwed and they'll be handcuffed to surfing only. No big deal. I'll tell em to get a Black Friday HP or Dell Laptop and move on.

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Using an Operating System with an account that you don't control! the first thing I would do is to format the machine and install Windows 10 fresh.



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thanks for the reply...is this system redo features where it reformats everything to factory state? Will it be tied to the old account info..i.e..the old email addy or will I be able to start from scratch?(new email, new pw..)..if it's possible I'd like to just create a local account and be done with it...I don't fix/repair/maintain too many Windows 10 pc's so I'm not familiar with it. I mostly do Linux and Windows 7 stuff. Windows 10 just isn't in my wheelhouse. I guess now it's gonna have to be.





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Factory Reset is available very early after BIOS screen, you have to press some hot key (i.e. F2, DEL, ESC)






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thanks for the help guys...i got it with the old "userpassword2" (or something like that) feature that you can delete and change admin rights with terminal/command...i told the owner that it would probably be a better idea next time to just do a Factory Reset and start fresh...basically everything clean and new...Windows always runs better when theres no updates added in the beginning


appreciate the help :)

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