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Browsers 64bit V 32bit


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On 11/12/2019 at 4:17 AM, Radpop said:

For 64-bit OS 64-bit browser if available.


Chrome is definitely the best browser just now. It's more secure than any of its rivals. It's lighter than Firefox - You save planet by using Chrome instead of Firefox. Firefox publishes only unstable releases - if something works in recent release, in next release it doesn't. Firefox variants are totally hopeless.


I've tested most Chrome variants but nothing beats the original. Brave, Opera, Vivaldi and maybe also Yandex are updated regularly and shortly after Chrome, maybe there is some use for them. And maybe some day Edge beats all variants, but Chrome stays unbeaten, I think. Other Chrome forks are mostly crap because of adware or old cores.



Radpop as a Chrome user have you any concerns relating to the data farming Google are reported to be doing to users of their browser ?

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Of course with the upcoming Manifest version 3 changes in Chrome there is more food for thought for users of this browser if indeed as reports state it will cause big problems for ad blocking extensions.Other browser developers such as Vivaldi and Brave have stated they will not make these changes that Google intend to implement.


I am currently testing Chromium (woolyses) which is Chrome with some of Googles tracking stripped out,so far it seems to load pages and stream sites nice and smooth.

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On 11/12/2019 at 5:53 AM, Sylence said:


I've been using Canary too, very solid.


Microsoft have yet to make a statement regarding the upcoming manifest version 3 and if they intend to implement this into their version of the browser.This could make or break it for them.

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17 hours ago, BigBear said:


Microsoft have yet to make a statement regarding the upcoming manifest version 3 and if they intend to implement this into their version of the browser.This could make or break it for them.


is it that big of a change? i don't know much about it

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Google are changing the amount of information a browser extension can hold,in effect any ad blocking extensions will have greatly reduced blocking lists and so will be far less effective.

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