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[Solved] lost boulawan account!!


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Good evening everyone, I can not connect to my old profile anymore?
I lost my login password on the forum nsane and I can not retrieve it on my address @ gmail, I ask administrators or others, they can help me?
Thanks for your help!

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thank you @Matt or other admin of the forum Nsane, here you can solve this small problem, I thank you in advance?
sorry, I can not talk to you privately, given my status



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8 minutes ago, boulawan2 said:

sorry, I can not talk to you privately, given my status


If you need to send Admin a message directly, click the Messages/Envelope icon beside your username>Compose New.

You can send a message that way.

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I understand what you say, but I can not receive a new password, on my address @gmail I lost my password, personal email!


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Thank you for this information, but I have already tried everything before, I expect that the administrator of the forum regulates this problem, I sent them a message about it, if they want it.

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  • Administrator

Well first of all the mail server send emails to all email providers, and it doesn't have any problem with that. Also, you've verified your second account using a gmail account, so the mail problem you've is with your email. 


My question is do you've access to your email account? You can answer me through PM please. 

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This is true, any administrator can edit any data with a few mouse clicks, the more serious problem is how to prove that the person/user is the right person, ie the same person who asks to make some changes... This must be verified and the person who wants to change the password or username, must give trusted data to admin before something can be changed.

The easiest way to check is to check the email address used for registration, it is visible to the administrator, and if the user who wishes to change is able to provide the correct email address, it is likely that the same person is involved.
There is more visible to the administrator that only a specific user knows. It can be used additionally.
If it really is the same person and it has been proven, then there is no problem changing anything.
It's important to remember that you won't be able to get the same password because the administrator can't see it. Admin only sees the encrypted password and can delete or replace it.

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