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15 Most Radioactive Places In The World


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Bah! They haven't seen my bedroom yet!!:w00t::w00t::w00t:

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I knew Russia's Lake Karachay is highly radioactive place where one can't survive. I wasn't aware of any other place. This video explained it very briefly. 


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Radioactive foods is quite surprising too :


1. Brazil nuts - According to Prevention, six to eight nuts fulfill 777 % of your daily selenium needs. Unfortunately, selenium can be toxic in high amounts; too much can lead to hair loss, brittleness or loss of nails, dermatitis, neurological abnormalities, and worst case scenario, death. Yikes ! Brazil nuts also contain small amounts of radium, a radioactive element, in about 1–7 nCi/kg or 40–260 Bq/kg, about 1000 times higher than in several other common foods; according to Oak Ridge Associated Universities, this is not because of elevated levels of radium in the soil, but due to "the very extensive root system of the tree.


pCi* per kg: 12,000

pCi per serving: 240


2. Butter beans

pCi per kg: 4,600

pCi per serving: 460

3. Bananas - contain the isotope potassium-40

pCi per kg: 3,500

pCi per serving: 420

4. Potatoes

pCi per kg: 3,400

pCi per serving: 850

5. Carrots

pCi per kg: 3,400

pCi per serving: 255

6. Red meat

pCi per kg: 3,000

pCi per serving: 240

7. Avocados

pCi per kg: 2,500

pCi per serving: 420

8. Beer

pCi per kg: 390

pCi per pint: 222

9. Water

pCi per kg: 170

pCi per pint: 100

10. Peanut butter

pCi per kg: 120

pCi per serving: 3.6

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