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AS long as they don't make any T100'S.:w00t::w00t::w00t:

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1 hour ago, vertical said:

Machines that can have intelligent thoughts and actions.
Produktion machines.
Some of the photo editors we use.
Face recognition.
And a lot of things have it and we don't know.

We like it and we are used to it.

But what if some day a robot comes to you and says
'we are going to chip your brain and give you a new program, and you will not have to think anymore'.


Do you think it can happen and Would you like it ?


musk and gates think it is dangerous, they support it, strange.
of course they and all supporters say that Artificial int only dangerous is in the wrong hands.


I say , it will come in the wrong hands and there are no good hands to make optimus prime.


What do you think?

This has already happened. Happened few thousand years ago, intelligent organic robots were created and were named Humans.

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